Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Shoes Are Not Paid to Be Walked On

Being what we are, I smoked a head of cabbage when I fell into your open-legged star warz.

Pies in the eyez of beautiful children freaking out because their mothers wonder why

when there's no school on the top of the buildings, tarred and feathered elbows reeking of indigestion.

Following the lawsuit closely, I embrace the actual.

People find a way to crawl up my bony thighs. They tickle like rabbits made of insect hair.

I came back to my forgotten lair.

Papapapapapah - the papa of the crowded family, broken like a snake inside the Charley horse's noses

Bababababababababa, grandmother couldn't find her suitcase, 

so she left the country in a big old haste,

and she made a stink on the silhouette of the sky.

She braided it with cotton and the eyes of younger 

babies flo-ing out of her

fingertips like a wizard magician.

She needs to fire her own suspicious physician.

Maybe we can find a new scientist to rake all the leaves under the dirt and find the cause of immorality.

She makes my head like a soupy walrus's lobotomy, 

and we grab the tasty morsel of Chinese foood.

It makes us cringe like a hamster wheel kissing our own lips like pineapple steel on the top of the Empire.

He makes it like he never was meaning to be here beyond this very scenic time zone.

Don't forget that we have to go in one more minute to leave ourselves alone.

We got to try to be what we have always wanted to over come again with silly pieces of Mexican April laces on the taco stream of applllllle micro soft sam sung so nee

Don't forget that I was never phony cuz I wrote the book on my upper teeth.

The upper deck was left and exploded like the airplane that flew down to the lane where they were born

and we will always come back for You

You need not worry any more

and I said this to You be fore

I came back for You. You need to know all ways you cannot forget

and we will spread Our Butter on tha bread of Eternal



we have become it is E-ternal

and Why don't You just walk over with your toes on the floor.

I made this and you are it.

Monday, February 27, 2023



A Strolling Armadillo, Young Buck and Thermal-Spiraling Vultures

 on a walk at 6 or 7, our dawns may be grey and hiding

 - crossing cutting horse, over the big Hill

Peace of love, shepherd moons by Enya


Sunday, February 26, 2023

 All about going to sleep 

Juggling 20% in This Country






The purpose of vomit 

the failure of Intelligent imagination 

I am grateful To the actors, director.

The success of the illusion is a technicality.

Symbolism is meaning. Your heart is in your knees. 

Like a leaf

We wake, wait for our dead, sit the floors, -parlour living room, strain, real true or false auditory hallucination soundwave -panbrainscan...- 

       cold torn ambitious ambivalent rambunctious revolving,

Unfailingly unwaveringly memorialize our selves 


Apple that is the tv screen hope byound....


i am the walrus lyrics




Beatles youtube








All filters



I Am the Walrus



I am he as you are he as you are me

And we are all together

See how they run like pigs from a gun

See how they fly

I'm crying

Sitting on a corn flake

Waiting for the van to come

Corporation T-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday

Man you've been a naughty boy

You let your face grow long

I am the egg man

They are the egg men

I am the walrus

Goo goo g'joob

Mister City policeman sitting

Pretty little policemen in a row

See how they fly like Lucy in the sky, see how they run

I'm crying, I'm crying

I'm crying, I'm crying

Yellow matter custard

Dripping from a dead dog's eye

Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess

Boy, you've been a naughty girl, you let your knickers down

I am the egg man

They are the egg men

I am the walrus

Goo goo g'joob

Sitting in an English garden

Waiting for the sun

If the sun don't come you get a tan

From standing in the English rain

I am the egg man (now good sir)

They are the egg men (a poor man, made tame to fortune's blows)

I am the walrus

Goo goo g'joob, goo goo goo g'joob (good pity)

Expert, texpert choking smokers

Don't you think the joker laughs at you (ho ho ho, hee hee hee, hah hah hah)

See how they smile like pigs in a sty, see how they snide

I'm crying

Semolina Pilchard

Climbing up the Eiffel tower

Elementary penguin singing Hare Krishna

Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allen Poe

I am the egg man

They are the egg men

I am the walrus

Goo goo g'joob, goo goo goo g'joob

Goo goo g'joob, goo goo goo g'joob, goo

Joob, joob, jooba

Jooba, jooba, jooba

Joob, jooba

Joob, jooba

Umpa, umpa, stick it up your jumper (jooba, jooba)

Umpa, umpa, stick it up your jumper

Everybody's got one (umpa, umpa)

Everybody's got one (stick it up your jumper)

Everybody's got one (umpa, umpa)

Everybody's got one (stick it up your jumper)

Everybody's got one (umpa, umpa)

Everybody's got one (stick it up your jumper)

Everybody's got one (umpa, umpa)

Everybody's got one (stick it up your jumper)

Everybody's got one (umpa, umpa)

Everybody's got one (stick it up your jumper)

Everybody's got one (umpa, umpa)


Thou hast slain me

Villain, take my purse

If I ever

Bury my body

The letters which though find'st about me

To Edmund Earl of Gloucester

Seek him out upon the British Party

O untimely death

I know thee well

A serviceable villain, as duteous to the vices of thy mistress

As badness would desire

What, is is he dead?

Sit you down, Father, rest you

22:39, Sun February 26th, 2,023 a.d. _ One Time at a Thing. Backwards 1 Minute

           my mother and I just saw Triangle of Sadness. 

I don't know how to say or if I can, I am feelin

quite weird, and u no whad I mean. 

-- " i am the mean of the addition of all

     of the sides of the Triangle. "

I do not know whad I mean. Sorry I never

really tryed to try to write well. I've thought 

about practising handwriting. Aaron has talked 

of it. I can try better. I know I shall be

better ^ because all Eternal. Doing better     This

           is a Christian God thing. X-ian

as in chris mas. - The Film feels very

European, and like Adreneline, like very 

uncomfortabel. I love Women Talking. Why,

we are Realism. Am ... i am going .. to bed .


Saturday, February 25, 2023

 The depth 

The lost grass

Simon Fuelguage

Hop on - ,


Chug Coffee 



1, 2, 3

Wash Strawberries

I took a bite. It's like a starburst rose bloom, like my mouth is my face is my life, future, dead forever like peace  Heavenal choral crescendonic ,crraassh.

early to mid 2,000s [ five years of fireworks GB ]


25 million humans per city view, Capital scape

Off the beach and Path


      at 1:09:30

I am rewriting I Am the Walrus to make it sensical.

Think I'll watch Bardo: A False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths tomorrow, maybe with my mom. 


The butterfly 
and the eye 
capture me. 
Thank you for the beauty. 



Live Dan Vine Berg

I have thought of myself as some one else 

Did I Live in A red brick building ?

Cubes is a song

Where did the Air go ?

I have seen A sound 


Is Work a conversation ?

Painful bodies sing in my mind

Caroline and Rigoberta

Ready themselves 

In a quiet unlit apartment

No one can ever See.

They put on a coat cuz it is around 50 Fahrenheit 

Rehearsal is like living 

Their comb stuck a few inches from the end

Of blackish hairs,

Of a sheen a shampoo ad vertisment whitish television buying money passing times.

They open the front door. It locks. 

I love Dan Vineberg

I just found him

On youtube.com, beautiful videos and Words. The idea

Who is still Alive ?

Please write me

I am listening to https://www.sleepwithmepodcast.com/1147-hollow-pursuits-sleep-with-tng/

It is 02:26 here

How much of your day is spent ... ?

Good night

Are you feeling ?

Monday, February 20, 2023


     I take a skin breath after two steps into my bedroom. I stand stark still for a single second.

    I take a trip starting already on the down staircase at my apartment door. Institution never knows I Drew Barrymore.

    I take a train ticket buss ticket to ride freely at 10 or 11 a.m., open air my body saved.

    Past tense takes a sample of my eye. For science I relive honor shows. My 16-year-old mistakeful consciousness breaks Film Video convention, Iamthey walk thru student bodies assembly space, seats expand universes baloon paint on woodenand concrete walls; for 5 seconds.

    Im sold his life, bluegreenpurp swirl slurp slush Purp purn Amy tod oscar ballinger begin.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Soff Ten

Ingenious she made me soliloquy
Steam, Broken Lower Back

On the cheek, side lip
Cream of cow, look how digital clock glows
reads and changes.

A relative, spoken Television eyes yes
She reminds her self
On the clothesline, Spring enough

Manufacturers' holiday 
Birthing metronome, Take our time out
God feel of nowhere, to You

 I can't live---

I don't care what the rest of the song says, 

if it exists. 

iT ' s like I am the nineteen eighties 

If in Living without 

Some people like Mr bean and Mr burns

To stop this Nonsense 

Gibi do laparoscopic surgery 

She is in fire to not be insane. 

4:36 a.m.

I am still awake, so use to always being alive.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

A February 12th, 2,023 Freezing Dawn Mist Walking to the Top of Graffiti Hill to Myself

- softly, piano no -

I'm proud of you ...

- quietly.  for this^^^

You're gonna go back to South Padre....

Maybe someday alone with me,

Maybe some day alone I'll see.

A spray-painted Bob Marley was our bus driver, 

In the country, 

In The Country. 

If ever we could afford a monster

There in those skinny pines .... there in those skinny pines

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Living Out

Ownership doesn't exist.
How can we blame how things came to be?
Things is upset to no ends.

I am land in my nailbeds, mother ancestor Earth,
As we take taking, some lugubrious fellow human member holders
Bled bleed will bleed
More than watery lifelove
Muck swizzle are our lost limbs
Lozenge tongue slosh silted
Bungling me toss brown Yoghurt
But going I am,
Blublue, ardent gargle, float me us as ducks

.. You give gifts, All us don't want it:
To become things..
Aall beings deep inside We, sitting bulls crazy horses red clouds,
And John and Hank greens said we're one
Of superorganism spread on a planet.

When slow light ....

If I am correct,
There could be A Girl Who Doesn't Die.

Why am I psychotic?
You make a good point.

If you are embarrassed by Hell,

If you are embarrassed by Hell,

making logical consequences, 's conquests....

The Singapore faction to Hong Kong soda pop.

What a pointless Forever,

All Points in infinity smile because

The cedary piney long highway 🛣 71 to la grange and Back ; lonely people in the best way, traveling for the Sakes ; its convenient gas store ablating uni verse. Stovetop miss chief, All hearts of her Mind, wishy washy forespoken about ....

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


It only gets worse.

 31-1-2,023 a.d

9:47 p.m.

    What but does Worse mean?

You're not done. Steal from humanity. Steal for humanity.

So many Things I hafto write now, right now -

    I'm 38 years old. I'm 39 years old. 

That's a funny thing to say / Think.


    Not. Don't be accurate.

                  . . .

    You can only, you can only

    Is There Another Word for Only?

Groundhog Day 2,023 a.d.

        Darkness to darkness 

        Bleed ing a little

Senses a washboard is a happy stance.

Will broke off tidbit of nourishment,

dietician recommended, dubious doubt --


        I practise spelling. I am ten Jahre

alt. Blue bells ring you Sodden

Apple school house. Ancient millenia

Growin' Up forever

Swept linnoleum , jonathan , actual days

impetus to circumscribe unbelievable

purple pennsylvania road side sleeting




Oregon Colorado

-    , 

I can't wait to kill myself.

I want to be terminal.

I am Colorado and Oregon.

There is a tall evergreen. I am a window.

The glass is open. In the sky,

The window is closed, but the glass inside of the glass is open, the pane.

The Pain, the pain, [the light], the pain

I am inside of the pain.

It is a bitter cold bright day.

There is no reason not to die.

There is no point. There is no meaning.

I am too sad to exist:

Why did you put on Welcome to Mooseport?

I wish I lived in a moosey place.

I want to live inside of a moose.

Welcome to Mooseport is the saddest film possible.

It is time to do the right thing.

Now is the time to do the right thing.

This is the time to do the right thing.

There is time to do the right thing.

Always do the right thing.

I am glad I am now your friend.

 - When I Am Old

Friday, February 3, 2023

Song in Australian

 I'm a fined tuned Wallaby strangler.

I'm a stranger in the bathroom and in the kitchen too.

I'm a fine toothed wallaby soldier. 

Give me all my money and I'll give ya what I owe ya.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

White High School Male

Teen Wolf

Ferris Buehler

Better Off Dead

Say Anything

The end of the Breakfast Club

Bed. Bedding. 

Running water. Toilet. 

Apartment. Locks.

Electricity. Heat.

Cellphone. Cellphone charger. 

Consciousness. Soul.

i wonder how They'll Do.

Christ Mass Chef

I'm still waiting for Christmas. It's February 3rd in my mind holes.
I'm a pasta cunt.
I'm a Christ mass chef.
I'm freeking my face, man.

It's Minerva in the morning. 
It's Minerva in the morning. 


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Fleshy holes

Holy flesh 

Why not what timing my screaming breaks and brings down ice branches onto my

caravashio my mouth

 I was going back to the world because my mouth was Not its own mouth.

His name was caravashio. Born in 1999, He wandered into a baked sale age 11. Blooming wonderful people fractured the sameness.

In a bitter pitiful Italy, flowery as the same dice, They beckoned yellow fliers as a morning disposed. 

This beautiful sane story, all of its faults and mouths, 3 children. I opened His wound, History. 

Then, caravashio drove 4 hours to Sûr Pino Weeno, upon arriving He took out the trunken umberella, pasted and blink, remembered twin peaks, under bullmagnificent suns, His eyes cowered not cowardly and tiny shoes clobbered the soft soils, over again, began to wind a possibility planeted....