Saturday, August 21, 2021

Stream and Train

 i just texted amy hyink,  How are you all?

i really wanna know and i really wanna go see her, be near her for a while

I thought of talking to her and parker, saying some times i feel so " lucky and happy " then i think i want to kill myself

i guess i feel fake and un-deserving of anything

then i thot of telling them, i wonder if it would be good if one could share any thoughts with anyone instantly , telepathically .

the modest mouse song Lives,  " if you knew everything they think, i bet you'd wish that they'd just shut up "

I just put on Cowboy Dan.

Alex gave me the Fall, this na-tions saving grace, and Lonesome Crowded West was in the cd case also

so goof

good i mean

Share a train of thought

a stream of consciousness

That makes me think of A stream of clean water flowing down a pretty little valley

under a train bridge

and a nice pretty train goes over

full or almost, of people who are glad

to be going where and when they are going to

The end

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