Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Garden of Reconciliation

Jane sits on steel bench strips. Naked as every day, she wallows in her fascination at the tree leaves, lifts her fingers to flutter and playfully explore minutiae and whatisnot.

A six-foot black and gold snake hangs above her.

To be a man, is Non. She creates.

Her hair, skin and bone enflame and pits of darkness resorb and implode the supernova bodylife of the Enscribed human being...

This is a tale. Told as time

They ate the Snake and drank a bit too much sake;

Pumpkin seeds and almonds

Pepitas und Aleman

Now we are wrong

The Garden folded.

The east eats

The sun brain

Heats the Death

Warm inside

Your Home

I found this type


Unimpressive gorges

Humble us to Your freedom


Pray graciously, 

I am 


"We are fortunate to have so many members graciously willing to share their gardening knowledge."

Also ' Lily

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