Monday, January 15, 2024

 My face is literally freezing

To death

Absolute death

Actual Death


Admonished by a scholarly chancellor, I feigned a weakness to reprieve my situation.

Aether tumbled in my breast and cavity.

After a half hour, I phoned the last person I knew.

Agriculture seems my destiny.

Aha said the forgotten scientist.

Ail in the other winter.

Ajax spilled on the dining table.

A. Kaurismaki tapped his Akki lava runner for 2 damages.

Altar art saved München from Bavaria.

Amnesty made good on scheduled updates. 

An anal proctologist alphabetised their pens.

Apes are humans, if you didn't know.

Aoli tastes like cement.

A question for you,, who?

Arquette fabulously remained the central phigure of the after party.

Asshole, don't live like this.

At 3 after noons, suns set and rise.

Auburn settles up her money being born again.

Azure blood


Axial Age

Awe Stuck

A Very Average

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