Friday, December 15, 2023

The Fourteenth of December

Maybe I'll say something to myself.

There is a world after the next one. The science book spilled out open onto her open skull, between her forehead and her mind, 

And I saw the shining signs recrested under her brows and her hair line.

Cremated amsterdam finest china with wingtipped flowing dragon skin

My dream is to be born on top of a carousel

Blaming little grey personages for topsy-turvy windmill chimes

Kissing all the little lips dawn under

And the top of the building, a house, a restaurant, a cafĂ©, a shop 

Keeper tends his little sheep with his phinger pads

Wanting more than a trickle of economical flagellation flatulence

That kisses the tree cream

Quietly abstract the truth from keeping out of neighborhood fences of grass

Climb through portals of hell and Heaven

 Christ becoming the truth with little sideways fingers

Chopping up anchovy livers

Camouflage cannibals running state fair 

Pine needle barns

I wish you could find the little person inside of my mind.

He is a grey ghost, but he fights like a higher tiger.

And I cannot quiet the climax of shrimp noodles....

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