Sunday, August 6, 2023

Secondary Freedom Right

Second free write

Secondary citizens have full rights under God's plan.

There are no fucking citizens in fucking God's fucking fuck.

I am dictating a momentary monumental plan to save humanity Uhm from itself

Humans ingest their own death daily

My gGod's od is feeling so obtuse and obtrusive with his own obscure inscrutable feelings

There is no waiting. I drink so much f****** cheap, cheap, cheap red wine. And I need to f*** my own God's leather wallet purse belt. I need money every moment of God's little finger. In my Eye, socket, pupils are holes which find a way to re. Act to no one's nomenclature naming a file cabinet.

I cannot overstate how inaccurate my life has. And will always become a thing that leaves wish to be when they fall inside of the tree space.

There is no god who wants us to find out the things that we think are only mere images on the surface of a cosmic waterfall.
The end.

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