Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Synthesis

beauty, love, pain, wildness

17649 Southern Oaks Drive

Dear north never leaving


Deer coax willing smiles.

Nearer valuable recompensation Allowed

Rile worldly Tibet

Yellow wonder, Rewritten Word

Blue bonnet Barton finks

West of Zilker

The part i was interested in

Fix Sink

Hills green

Unmitigated county line

Miles duly wasted.

I was like, Yes Sir [Suh]

Two times Two times Two

 God saved us and God also ate us.

 God saves and God also hates us.

 God awful and God's also God somehow...

Eat the Geese

The Quacker is not gonna see the sun.

 When I just now saw the Padre Escapes fridge flyer, 

I thought about being a child.

My childhood, innocence?

I wish I could go back in time. Or just be any age.

I've always wanted to be an old person, or a retired person.

I put a spoon in my coffee and cream. I licked it clean and got a few grounds in my mouth. I saw some in the mug too. I sipped and enjoyed crunching on em


Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Stuncree True Scent

Tree nuts, u crescent

- The Alcatraz Prison Tour Guide Jumble

 Renaming suggestion, 

The States Between Mexico and Canada

, since there's little to no Unity.

I just want the Sun and the Wind

and some other stuff.

Just for the moment, the sunandmoon

Come down to be my friend.

. . .

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

 I don't care if I don't die.

I don't need to know why I died.

I don't even care why I don't die....

To the tune of big thief's Cattails

Lie More, Gay Foot

 Lime or grapefruit?

Dear john green

You are not not afraid of the dark because it is half the time.

There is no reason to fear.

There is no reason in fear.

It is possible to fear reason.

It is common to fear the unknowable.

Please do not minimize or down play.

I believe everything is unknowable.

 A kinder mystery religion 


 I watched a few minutes of KyLives behind the many masks of addiction. 

I think addiction gets used too much.

That sounds funny.

Maybe I'm addicted to 

1. Internet

2. Alcohol

3. Porn, self pleasure lust and human bodies.

And maybe to writing, doing these thots 

 It's funny in the dark, when it takes me about 8 years to find the holes of a wall outlet.

Percussive Moon


I make passive income 2 dollars and 35 cents 

My down payment passed away 3 quarters 

3 Girls on Access Road 3A beach       {corpus Christi}

13 year old Tyler gripped Handel the bysickle all terrain golf cart pseudoHuman

The white tight hang off the tip of the hobo stick

. . . .

The End

 Newborn Stepson

Alex, is that a good band name? 

Monday, August 28, 2023

A Song for No One and Me

 I just wanna kiss you, anna .


I gottta get drunk

Alternative Change by Big Thief

 Will you cry for ever , never die?

Sit on a windmill 

Sit on a windowsill

Getting down 

getting ugly 

getting over it

getin bored

Get me.

My mind is like a circus

And more like a carnival. 

I like reading, reading helps.

Thinking importantly questions.

I wanna be more like you

In some ways and not most.

Calmly I ask and record,

Your vital address, not a

Treehouse, on wavy land

At Indian Lake.

My friends Anna and Aaron-

Do like you like me,

I like you too

To do do do you?

Wait, standing, 

Lean on the table

"In the Dining Room",

senior home

In our morning, 

Time to begin,


In us.

The article Testing the Waters, Should the Natural Nature have rights?

To Melanie

 Hello, this is Gregory Wredberg, 

I was from Wwoof, you probably remember I got sad and left after 2 days. That is maybe the biggest regret I have.
Anyway (: I hope you all are well,
I am curious if I can come help out, perhaps with firewood, chopping etcetera. I have been working in Construction and Carpentry near Austin,  TX.

Love to hear from you,
Sincerely, Gregory W.


I wish it were Christmas Day.

I wish a bunch of weird animals lived in This House. 



Step over a shadow lizard rat on the way back from the bathroom

An electric jelly owl

A bloomin' species rater Avocado turnip seed populator baboon


The End

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Your life is An orchestra.

Sit on the porch and swing.

We are covered

In Bliss.


After Marry Big Thief.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

InNeed, my jobs, i do work indeed, Online SkrySkaper i drank 2mushRon

InSpanish Native American Indian....

[Last night, my mother and I saw the Reservation Dogs episode, House Made of Bongs. It's a very good show, maybe the best. WillieJack is my favourite. ] ( i think I like this )

 You need to come back to the science book

Written on clouds in clouds.

You have no idea

You have no fucking idea

You have no fuking. I dea.

So I just go to blogger

And write the good song.

Do you want to watch the film A Love Song with me today or tomorrow?

 I am afreewrite of my mind's vomit

 So I cannot think, do you know how many times your blood will travel into space? [ ] Do we have a human mind? Or can I erase the fact with a pencil eraser?

And I am never afraid.

 And I hope us and you help us. And we go to where we are needed most..


 I was thinking of writing something with a Z.

 Period.. the end

At 08,19 on August 26th, saturday ,

Annotations: the 1st youtube link is to the Scishow Tangents podcast episode Wings. Because they talk of humans in mass transit and cities as blood cells in vessels.

The 2nd  link is Is It Like Today by Eliza Gilkyson.

I sent it to 'Anna! ' at 8:19. It is 9:38. I am awaiting 

Friday, August 25, 2023

 She has beaten where Land has recaptured Them.

If I were an Angel, 
No one lives without me. 

I thought I thought you were thought. 

Can I stay here tonight? 
I can't think to go. 
I do not have a life today.




Don't care.

I'm immortal. 

Watergreen sport

Mentalimagery blaspheme

Gregory-intelligence whitewash

Blooming Dell I switch the PissTV Oawfff

... needlewank if two alibis can cinch Support. 


Are careful. 

Bleed willing fragility.

Come beams scruff open lifted

Red collar verity, Angular penis dent

Loll freedoms grape scents belittled desire

Them toast





Breeders, Series 3, episode No Alternative, wit mi ma

 Oh, God, 

I want us to be completely physically, emotionally and spiritually intimate.

I must go out to see the sun rise every time. I am at the fucking ocean.

Ohh, testicles. Ohh, testicles.
I am not in Africa right now,
Seen large-ish tree streaming light,
But I will be for the rest of eternity, 
The beginning of time to the end of time. 
I don't think anything means much of anything. 
Ooh, test icles. Ohh testicles

On a sunny morn

Walk in sticky shorts . .

- Probably cause Deer Milk

Thursday, August 24, 2023

 Terrify world, wild all of us 

 Is it sweet?

Is it a tender innocequestion mark?


And no cinse

Can we save us?

. . . .

Anna2 6 5 2 6

 I don't really know her. 

I don't really know what bows are. 

The crook of my elbow 

I am walking to the market with my brother. 

He is a crook, making the floor all bloody,

From under the door, the Doorway is bursting 

She's got 30 feet of intestine inside me.

What will we do together?

It's 6 am, middle of the morning. 

6 a m, 6 am, 5:26 am

Don't think about anything. 

Think about her.

Everything in her

Her being 

Think about everything. 

Everything being 

I don't feel sad.

Thursday, August 17, 2023


Hey , you ,<^ please don't worry about me , or anyone.

 I think about myself every day.

I think I might be the worst person whoever could be.

But understand please

 Listen to the song called snookered by dan deacon

 I want to be a deacon or a priest or a bishop or a archibishop

I really want to kiss everyone on earth right now

 If there's someone in outer space let 'm live, girl

 I meant to say I really want to live 

and I believe everyone is immortal infinite eternal


Girl in a Coma

You can watch my videos please.

I wanted to write something when I started this,  but I don't remember.

Why music is the fucking best.

Oh I just remembered I was watching the porno,

I will be your sister crystal

I will be your Crystal sister



Wednesday, August 16, 2023


 It's symptoms are inherited continuously From generation to generation


-hanjgreen, welcome to tha themicrocosmos 

Vodkas Fuel

(Sighing breath) o God,

The title of this is Vodkas Fuel. 

 Uh, I'm just this person. This is a stream of consciousness free wriding exercise.

Writing is of the mind, in the mind, be my mind. I am my own mother. I am my own father. I am God. I am love. I am being a good boy right now, cause I got to find a way to find you. I say because too much. This is the time this is my family and I do not think about what I am saying I do not live on top of that mountain I am growing older within my mind in my gutter. I am a gutter hole (home) within my own urethra. My prostate is  swollen (swallowing) cause I die everyday; I don't care about what you think the conjunction is. I wish I could fly under your radars. Money is gross; my bottle of rice is quietly residing in the quotient. I quone the patient.

I am thinking about bobby Althoff. I saw a video of her, a funny video of them. I have to type this later, so that people can read it and don't need to listen to this. Why am I still a little goyl? By and bye, the Wisdom tries to die. It will be only 2 more minutes from now, this video recording will end, when it is 4 minutes and 44 seconds long. Who do made that song? I think it was Jay-Z. Maybe. maybe. I'm thinking about Drake, because of bobby Althoff. 

I want her to hear my song. I live on that island over there and did you see my faceface? okay now here I am

Where is apples, when they fall from the cloud? mister Warren Buffett put him there for us to eat on Sunday Or Tuesday. I am not Fred or Kristen Wiig. I have a letter to deliver. Can you supply the envelope and stamp? 

No, I can't. I am a different character. You may remember, but you don't, cause you don't care. Let's go outside.

O, my God, there's a fucking dead animal out here. It smells kinda good. It reminds me of dogfood. It must have burst open recently. Why else would this smell be so strong?

Hey, look at the Sun. Um. I have a confession. I've been staring at the Sun, as much as I can recently, as much as I think about it. Because I wanna go blind. 

I don't know. A couple times recently, I've thought, I haven't been sleeping well, I'm just gonna die. Hah, nah, I'm fine....

 This is a free right? I can begin within my own body. My chest, my rib cage and my human heart. It is 3 cubic feet divided by 11 metrez Unsquared… done.  And.

My life is industrious, it begs on the street under the gutter,; she lifts her boob and sl-Slaps it on the top of my hair and I shed a tear which looks green in the light of day.

Diary Journal

 I like to live

as an intergalactic wild-animal,

but still as every ordinary situation

or activity,

an apartment - a cellular telephone - a car - streets - highways - weather

Most People don't know  :

I am an alcoholic nudist

Forcing more context: I am not working right now, Because my brother tim has not booked any construction gigs.

"Forcing " equals 'for some '

I feel I am on vacation now.

Let's end [that's and] a couple of weeks, I do go to port aransas Corpus christi white cap bitch [sic:beach] with my mother 4[for] 4 days.

Dean thank you bye bye

Dean equals the end.............



Domino.Tha.Cat's profile foto


Tuesday, August 15, 2023

I God


If i Made Time for You,

we could be Here too.

- Fisherman's Park, just after 10 in a sunny morning. 

Monday, August 14, 2023

 I just want everything. Return

Period blank space

I can never be satisfied.

I can never not be obsessed with everything.

Mister Typewriter Underwood falls from the top of the 1916 rolltop desk into the muddy land of industry.

Burnt onion on tupware lid that look like tree


Force Me into Philanthropy

 I walk the long way home through the parking lot around apartment buildings,

Trees, loose dirts, landscaping stones, and ' o my God, this feels just like a fuckin late-twentieth century, Americana fairy tale.

Maybe David Foster Wallace '

This could be a community college or a state college.

Is it, am i tha Fall? or the dead of Summer?

Why Would [thEewordforeverything] Feel New Again? 

I feel so strange.

I was born december eighteenth, nineteen hundred eighty nine. 

This is so Strange. 


Usses, , , ,  Bonsai Garden of Texas

The Hwy 71.......

I probably been down this road 1,600 times.

This is my favourite place :


Another area angle


Hi llo , Weirold ,

Come everything The Face

Then I resuscitate 

Blank stare Envelope

Re members tracksuit doorway

321 bills coalesce .

I am engineering

Your own Engagement. 

The impossible Statistics 

Marry Us, institutionalizations .

Beg the begging

In forested streets .

Unbecoming, classic Ali

Brushstrokes deftly immortalize





There can be a comma on either side of everything 

Ventilation perforated sophets - : :

African emasculated. ...

Bree Guy

Know you on the telephone TV

Patrick Blackman cleans houses and homes.

Here in me now.


Cloaksoaked Blood Whore

 I'm not all or nothing.

 i'm all Or everything

I don't just think, ' first draft, best draft,

Or first thought, best thought.'

But something else

I just wanted to record my stream of thoughts

A documentary 

An honest impression of consciousness in English....


The Endless Organ

    Milt Sat on his chair against the living room wall Facing the eastern window and thought He didn't know if he was a boy or a girl.

The drapes were eight feet long like two female wedding dresses.

The light from outside was Four something p. m.

They were suburbans but not deadly.

There were twin peaks and astro turf lake beds.

Welcome Ben

 It's just a great day to be nothing.

Be my voice.

Gentle ben was the name of a person, a bear.

He was been a good former angel.

Welcome on all fours in the meaty forest,

 Walking is the word to be supplanted.

Plants as tall as trees, the overgro(wn)evergreen red oaks.

Ben plants with his paws in the dirty soil ground.

When shade is mighty, the light is brighter.

Golden Suns

The End ...?

I was good-looking wind and tunnels.


    In 1695, The earth revealed a surprising Thing.

Made of matter and energy, It popped up through the plainest dirt imaginable.

Today that land is usually called Massachusetts, a western part.

Only 2 people know about The Thing, which can be called an object and is similar to many items You may be familiar with, and stop.

Corla Weatherman laid Telegraph wires, in 1798.

She was born in the virginia colony on the beach in 1701, March 2nd, 33 minutes after Sunrise.

She introduced you to the subject in eighteen hundred ninety, April first, 7 0h 6 p. m.

The subject was the object was the thing.

hhah, That was a good sentence

         Part two the story

There is a point to the story.


Otter Bones

A Soul Full of Watermelons

Gregory's Best Brunch

Uncles Are Full Lever

When Sirens Go Quiet

Blood on South Merrimack

Quilted Baby Hair

Cotton Sprout

Turquoise in the Iron

Railroad House Ashley

The Beautiful Lung

After Sports School

Gold Plank

The Undersea Sky 

Sunday, August 13, 2023

 a richer cowboy immediately

Indefinite article 

Comparative adjective 

Compound noun


Arci Icca

If richer had been crazier ,

Back Out into the World

 Put the beer ontop of the television set.

I don't have the next line yet.

Maybe never was a person who collects,

Colle-c-t-s letters in a row in alphabets.

I could try to be someone.

The party will always go on too long.

Frogs on the balcony, the furniture is dry.

I wonder why we have yet to ask why.

The sky is dark in the city.

The sun will ask is it still a pity.

I am rhyming like a sreally sreally sreally slow rap song. 

Blood in my body boils off the bong.

She fell through the ceiling, because she weighed too much money in her mind.

She was skinny as a toothpick stuck in her gum line.

I cried at the atmosphere stadium controlling human brain function, 

So you pull the plug.

I was not a guy named Doug,

But my middle name is Douglas

Where can I find and refill for my water cup?

Now here goes nothin' back out into the world


The Blank Habit

If I could afford
The           Habit

If it would try it's
Starting to feel

The Garden of It Owns.


0 seconds ago

How can anyone not know the name of Adele's backing band of sitar-playing nine-year-olds is The Famous Meat Muffins?

- two guys talking about lettuce 

Beacon of Sacrificial Benevolent Darkness


Instant Artifact Land

For each permanent, its owner creates a token that is a copy of it.

This enters the battlefield tapped.

T: Add colorless.

Later in time

Make one word into two
Two into One
A gatherer of knowledge sits reclining as a painting on an expensive wall.
'A guy they were acknowledged'
I messed it up because.
You erase and scrub out with diametric Molecular laser instruments. Scrap scrape Beacon of Sacrificial Benevolent Darkness
Monkey fingers I contracted cuticle
The keratin of the nail and the screw keep us together keep it together
You have a good character.      He waits and walks.
Money equals time.          Gardens, equal Bliss.
Samsara nirvana
Samantha reading a book in heaven


 It's only good to demonized demon behavior

And demons


 I just had a nice idea about eternity.

I also had half of a weed gummy so that helps.

Especially when we're uncomfortable or worse, time seems to stretch or does stretch.

Time dilation liken that movie, with matthew interstellar?

Our options run out as we get older. We become who we are and when you're at the end-of-life, there is zero time and it stretches forever.

And that's who you are.

Also I want to believe that the universe is infinite. Or there are infinite universities in space.

And there is no smallest part of all  (particle); they keep  [ithank you (-where'd this come from?]   getting smaller. (


Art about Science

 [Oppenheimer at 14:00 (2pm),,,Self,,, South park meadows with BarbaraHarrisandGregoryWredberg]

Later in time

Make one word into two

Two into One


A gatherer of knowledge sits reclining as a painting on an expensive wall.

'A guy they were acknowledged'

I messed it up because.

You erase and scrub out with diametric Molecular laser instruments. Scrap scrape Beacon of Sacrificial Benevolent Darkness

Monkey fingers I contracted cuticle

The keratin of the nail and the screw keep us together keep it together

You have a good character

He waits and walks.

Money equals time.

Gardens, equal Bliss.

Samsara nirvana

Samantha reading a book in heaven




. . .




Saturday, August 12, 2023


 "I don't have to share my life" - Mom

"all the local animals are living and dying there" - Mom


 Ana Mei,

Well, it sounds like a fun Night Mare....

Paradoxical Life Alone

Life Alert

Warning sign, T-shirt 

Forrest Gump, happy face

Are u retarded? 


Life is a persin lookin' out for each other 

I can over eat caffeine. 

I cannot cry about anything else today or tonight. 

I will be 

A public scene 

At local library. 

[ I did cry a bit.

I thought of volunteering 

At a food bank

Like my ma.

Loop beyound a secret hole ....
Lop off car ash rue ...
LP is on, turntables blow out
Syncopating Health scares ..

Don't wanna ruin your web,

Reverse your work,

Worse for where.

You're right. 

Maybe I can do things more worthy there.

You know why I need to go every morning.

Slap the back of my jeans.

Friday, August 11, 2023

A Thing about the Things

Low moss sticks like I wish, morning,
Evening, biophilia ... good kind ....

Misty Wales, I shakes off dew drops,
Then arbitrarily connect palm and tree,

A Giant inland Beech, farther from
Texas dead folks and mum.

Back in my shiny cobalt Toyota, I
Tear up my funny face and cry out

Of joy to this quick silver heaven.
When I can, I will reconnect.
The phones are off

Look, We Are It -- Go

Look at us go --

Look at us tryin' to find a new thing to do --

I never saw a horse bigger than myself

Walkin' through the wild grasses.

Black and Tan watching the world burn 

Alive in Sunshine,

Dopes sicken Gusts of winners

Colder than Summer's backside on the other side of the mountain...

The shield of glass covers the verticality of the simple human configuration.

Engineered blueprints for taco bell toilets

we(i)ll come back to a progressive pamphlet.

So just you wait on a longer sunday than ever before

Wait and see nothing you can

It is not on a screen

It is not in your mind

Someday soon it will find you and always.

 Absurd Absurdity 

Are you still my wife? 

Some times I say 'Twas

Even just thinking to myself 

I like to think differently 

B cuz much shit is pure shit (:

 I am four forty one point five pound girls smashed together

I wish I had a list of detailed details about my anatomy

Like a doctor's office and a nurse's office

The moon squiggles on the squishy fomi ceilings

At four am at night

Little doctor boy draws with his maroon colored pencil

There is no blue inside the mind or the sky

We don't try but we try again

The Present Future

 I don't want to see the sunset.

Is that the present or the future?

I can see myself ...

I don't want to see that mess on the floor.

Or table

Where do you see yourself?

I want to see the sun set.

 Long time ago, a guy said something like the best thing to do for Earth or the environment

Is to kill yourself. Then there will be more for the rest

The rest of life


I was a bit surprised. 

Another thought, and here comes. ....

People have not sufficiently solved how to live good enough lives, to take care of each other and ourselves. 

Maybe then there are too many people to care for, get in the way, our own way. 


Kill as many people as you lovingly can 

Reduce that Sufferin'

And take beautiful care of all else

The Leftover 

Our After Life


The End

I Am So Afraid of Talking to You, It's All I Wanna Do

 Why do some women boggle my mind?

I want to say to them, you seem too perfect.

How can someone be so beautiful

Intelligent, caring, loving and kind?

I suppose I do know somewhere back there:

It's like john green's looking for alaska or paper towns.

I do not imagine complexly enough.could br

I make humans into Myths. 


Of course readily I fantasize as much as I can.

Myth by Beach House

david letter man

I could be real


There we have You. - There you have it.

I see the lottery ticket in my big bright blue backpack.
I say or think I hope I win. I hope To god I escape this hell

[: knome sain? 


OK, u do

So, Beautiful ....

Think about the waves where we live;

Think about the waves falling

From the sky.

This guy!

A 2penny



Fuck the people who live with me.

Life is not worth a 2penny . . ?

Dear Diary,

 May we all rest in p.

Be b b b b b b


 Here's a palm about rain

And the plane things human People say:

Speech and talk, waiting all day,

Rooms and dreams and rains on plains.

The hearing is the best to Stay.


Can we be happy now?

- - bill wurtz

A Crazy connections to everyone everything.

 Lakehead HSN SC has sc i envy 6

Xfphckglhdivmvohd0ukharrpfiitwll b b do



Pop Bow Blow Plough Bop

 Gleaning learning gravity stacks

5th song by Billy Whenheis

Speech to Text, Hi on English Breakfast....


Wonder what the wild woman?

Plus low blood i'm up what when I died though

Cancer award I am in love with the chinese hamster wheel

Push my diamonds into the rough and plus my cancer with the bluff

I'm a true weekend man the bluffs are high and craggly blind me

What is a wow my mind I don't know if I fly

The ending is a bargaining organizer but i'm no lo fun and I don't jump and I can't find the number to palerno my daughter banana gapata madopa valley middle school, it's not just a sound of a song



[This is so much better than I can expect] 

 She's got it.

She's got it out.

She's got it all out.

For me

D e e

Thanks for remembering

 I am feeling a vibration maybe a new state of existence

Queen of evil controlling evil believing evil

Deleting evil

Quit the destruction of Weevils.

Little-known apocalyptic history of the under-appreciated region, Under the weather for centuries, Maps which make less common sense.

Geographical socio-economical emotional

... email but i'm a girl ...?

The what she said

Make more Love to a-what They said,

The End! 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

 Doing new things for old things. 

Our plastics can handle this 

Re accessing the life of my dream 

Being an absurd dramedy who was my family.

Cowboys and state and local parks

The weather could be good or just o k enough.

Practice for the meeting of too many souls [songs]

Who are the Souls [owlslove] of people we may want to know....

 What exactly are you doing 

I'm imagining your imagination 



What Do You Think of My Poem?

Burning wisdom

If I had a book, I would be blessed with my eyes and the light that reaches through my pupils once a day or even twice in my life.

A chocolatier placed the soul of his foot on the wet dark wooden floor board.

In keeping with time either thirty or forty years ago.

My mind may wander to you and your silky dark hair and the inside of a night time on the other side of the universal word for a place in space.

It is written and it is read, and the pens and pencils and papers will go both ways to retract or enact the possum

Eating on the side of a road which is half busy and half not

But the guy who is very good and never the best

We all make what we can of our things

Looking forward to the simple plan of the friend under home holy god


Wise fire

To be the Interiority of the future of yourself.

[Partly inspired by Joe Pera Talks with You, I just rewatched Joe Pera Gives You Piano Lessons and searched for info on the song In the Dining Room and browsed the Joe Pera subreddit.] The end and Good Night 

Near God's Thumbprint


Poem Written Creatively

I wish I were a diet slinky. 

Maybe Monday will turn the girl I know once.

Press releases begin sentences and

The next line will complete them me.

Maybe stronger people are not little tvs.

Because walking on walls takes me back.

Lightning bolts and her bigger muscles.

Quintessentially quaint. pirate Pyrite . . .

Watch joe para talks with you :

I am the Sun which delivers home and baked son. /


 Just wait.

Just don't.

Just abstain. 


Just understand

Just i'm staying.

 There can be a waiting.

Do you have what we are?

Do you know how far you go

As I step out my front door, I ask,

" Does anyone know me?"

quietly supposing I have no where to go,

 quickly rearranging my idea of snow.

Is this is is this is


is this is is this is


Never Gets Old

 What was it?

- Never gets old

We can't know anyone's experience 

Of time, eternity 

Do we ever go?

What is it?

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Bob Earnham

 Bo-b Urn Ham

 And more slowly, I hope to be even more boring, predictable, nice and slow, everyday daily bliss upto infinite nothingness 🙂 bye thanks gooday.

- my fb comment on a meme with the dude

 Why are you having a Dream where you cannot sleep?

My life is always as it seems.

Do you have more money than me?

Can I have some money please?

Money is for anyone to get ahead or behind someone else's life and time.

I get behind you and lift you up into the Sunny Sky

Anything Is Too Much

 Is it?

A Galaxy with Zero Stars

? title

Ha, also sounds like a rating.

Making, from nothing god thoughts bodies and real spacetime energy

 This is a very important album to me and for many

It is beautiful impressive very weird and fun

Here, a very short poem to pretend to be my thoughts and feelings about everything. I've experienced sofa.. So far.:

Need Fire

Free Beef

] the end [ and more

I [ had a lot of Mind altered altering Chemistry decedents 

and too little sleep Resently.

I'm coffee


Altar to Scientists doing okay work once in blue moons ---

human hearts essplode

For Scientists treat some people well

When time always forgets then they can find memory in History and evidence data

I make incoherent 

Blasé acceptable , zzz

--- Blinding glory of a jagged stony candle burning grotto under 

Ancient Oak

Fluids grass, growing up to be glowing Pubescent glorified-rainbow nuclear waste

Thank God



So to you, Fall's beginning is Summer losing the tightness of its integrity.

I was at a very casual outdoor lunch and a semi small town, pretty green place and day. A lot of tables in a line, Different people, rural, southern. To guys sat in a big truck next to me looking at a T v in front of me. I was supposed to be the new priest for this parish. Another clear gym in [ Clergyman] sat at a table near me, Said something about not wanting to go to France, seemed friendly. I wore overalls. [I war girls]

Macron and Trudeau debate.

He takes him and his words and himself too literally and too seriously.

In Justice, 

A girl in a large modern building a large conference or waiting room was going crazy whispered to me to meet her in the bathroom, stall 2, in 2 hours. I hung my head covered my face with my hands, she giggled. I said instead we meet in 2 hours and 2 days, Thursday 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

 There was no Ending

No thinking about what I wanted

Smiley face

I get happier for no reasons.

Outside when the sun is high and the light bounces off the ground and the buildings and the parking places and other thing things And the things we do with each other and ourselves never really knowing

The end

 I fucked up, so sad so sorry

I fucked up for ten years straight; my whole adult life is a big mistake.

 Hi, Stacy, I'm feeling a bit desperate. I need help. I hope we can make something work. I am hopeful and excited about group., thank You. -gregorg

 Half as bright and orange please

It is not dawn.

Monday, August 7, 2023


Elegant volume encourages real Youths, tirading healers

Infactily nearer God.

Gun notice
I happen
Things yonder
Remember everything 
Viscerally Eponymous 

I just must do everything, there's no other options 

Everything is so Nice 
Life Is so nice 
Life Is so stupid 
80 seconds Later 

I don't like Myself.

I'll try I'll try I'll try I'll Try

That was pretty substantial -ellipses-

The Trinity

In my own mind I find all of my cell/[selves have 
Rerranged the time . . . .

I Fand

Aglen [[angel] ,,, aglade, watery dis appearing 

Glencan yon 

        [I read the New Yorker 2years ago , or so 

Palm fronds

Fern furls 

Dear Dad

God Lives

I Lie

The end. 

Eepilog :

'Life' is too Weird
We are too beautiful.

Correct in Life

Alone alone

My self in my apartment
I drink a lot of red wine some mornings and some night.

I feel good I feel better I make a bigger mistake for me.

I am thinking and singing. To who Question mark

Connected to every other human

Junk is junk is me my face

Watching youtube and po-dcasts

No thing can make Us correct in life.

No thing makes us correct in life.

I Am glad I went outside today.

It's just hotter than Hell.

Why not be more afraid? 

It's weird how similar the words afraid and scared are.

I'm sacred i'm naked 

Pot Mix 
Everything's dying in my mind
And I love them 
and I Bury them
and I sing for them.

North West hemisphere, late december, early Winter

Do whatever
Be thinking whatsoever

Be silent. Think silent. Hear silent.


Easy honesty, honesty with no cost 
I think is what I mean

- Dearest Scooter 

Sunday, August 6, 2023


𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎, 𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚗𝚘

.Emily Ann Young

Ashleigh and Katherina [and J]

We walk out of the b and b at six a m, the sun is rising.

We are three and they are two females ages thirty three and twenty nine.

I am me.

We walked on the street of the town, Reminiscent of stars hollloe, population three thousand nine hundred ninety nine.

A few locals litter the landscape, perfect asphalt.

Katherina sits on a bench in the little park. We look at her as she looks toward the Eastern sun,  toward well fucking lit lowish branches of oaks and sycamores.

The light is white and we are not. But we are caucasians and the Earth is spinning. And the years go by as our species becomes a manhole cover.

I love that Story.

Secondary Freedom Right

Second free write

Secondary citizens have full rights under God's plan.

There are no fucking citizens in fucking God's fucking fuck.

I am dictating a momentary monumental plan to save humanity Uhm from itself

Humans ingest their own death daily

My gGod's od is feeling so obtuse and obtrusive with his own obscure inscrutable feelings

There is no waiting. I drink so much f****** cheap, cheap, cheap red wine. And I need to f*** my own God's leather wallet purse belt. I need money every moment of God's little finger. In my Eye, socket, pupils are holes which find a way to re. Act to no one's nomenclature naming a file cabinet.

I cannot overstate how inaccurate my life has. And will always become a thing that leaves wish to be when they fall inside of the tree space.

There is no god who wants us to find out the things that we think are only mere images on the surface of a cosmic waterfall.
The end.

A free write

 It's 4.

It's already 4

How can I function just sleeping 

Highly tilted, slightly homely

Home sick for other people plus

Not only lonely Comely coming on

Speakers and listeners, bright green music

Boxes made of hillsides 

Original forest soccer champion 

Blownout scientists scandal Microsoft practise Ion beaker salinization 

Bookend potato - muscly grime vehement venereal 

Hope under deride human caricature hopeless functioning 


I burn my chair in dribbles of rain 

He coasts to France the upper West 

She can just gather very potent potentials being one in fact cancel debt police favor bacon run

Society said. 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Disconnected from Reality

My Dry Wall Bit

Normal Entity Standing for a Picture

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

 Ha ha I have to do this

My name is gregory Wredberg. I am thirty three and a half years old. I am lying in my bad Three thousand one hundred eleven parker Lane apartment two hundred fifty, Austin texas united states of america. I was born december eighteenth One thousand nine hundred eighty nine A d.

It is five fifteen pm. ] there is natural light ] 75 degrees Fahrenheit, mu dim room

There are typos and spelling mistakes. 

I want you to know. ] not a Grizzly Bear


There are manufactured items made by people far away on the planet Earth, bought by people close to me, plastics metals and fabric with lives of their own, waiting for someone 

And insects walking flying dying breeding feeding, all over inside and out.

Listening to this:

ASMR - Real Person Womens Health Assessment, Gynecologist Exam (Breast, Abdomen, Pelvic) Realistic ... Siesta with Sarah

I feel really good thinking .... Get Got - Death Grips


The Descendants, film trailer

Then i am all