Monday, September 6, 2021

Actual Thoughts


The sooner I leave, the sooner I can stay drunk.

I want Alex to cancel the hangout today, grilling on labor day.

If not then I want him to not text me.

Or I can cancel for me.

I thought I was going to cancel then tell my mom i was going to alex, then go buy whiskey and drink in the car... then come home later and hide the bottle from my mom.

We were doing morning yoga on Monday morning. I saw the dog bed and remembered Pat saying it's still too small. I thought of telling mom that he said that.

But why would i make her feel bad about that? 

Then i thot about thots. Is it good to always ask, how will what i thought of saying affect my audience?

I relfect on thoughts as if i am hearing them from Some One Else. maybe i am.

I like " relfect "

and   ' refelct '

i think  i form a thought - or A thought forms - in me - ? -

it is made of images and re-presentations of Mind .

Then  it becomes a sentence , more of the same , different Forms. I process through language. Just English.

the sentence is short, not much more than 10 words, or less.

 One or many thoughts and one or many sentences.   . . .

It feels so much better to always tell the truth

and to never lie.

I texted Alex that I'll take a rain czech on today . . . .

Then I told mom The Truth.

Then   ' it '  began to rain.

I am staying home.

It is OKay,

except that i kept and keep drinking vodka

more than i want my mom to be aware of.

I finished the Italian Lemaon Soada ....

The End.

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