Friday, September 3, 2021

A Fan and a Star

 i see a 5 bladed ceiling fan creak towards a stop and think of Patrick Star hanging above the foot of my bed

To Cry, to cry

The World is Not Night

To be in doubt

To sleep is to wake

beat a beatle

Live to be within and without

i was exploring the Mercurial World website ,  the middle of this night .

Magdalena Bay . ,  it is kind of fun 

i imagine it was all the idea of Mica  [ i heard matt pronounce  'mee-ca'  on instagram ]

magdalena is one of my 10 favourite names.

i clicked on the secrets your fire video yesterday  ,  it is catchy

she is very cute

25 years old , florida , Los Angeles

Live like an aging Human Person

now is too late

i came to Auddfleur

i wonder why i did not fall back to sleep

listened to asmr ,  gibi

it is 4 something 20 something A. M.

it is fun some thing

i hope to sleep a couple more hours

there is a webpage from magdalena bay , What do you wish to know? submit a question

i typed:

Wish the Truth.

Know the Everyone

What is your 50year Plan  ?


i subscribed to The Healing Word ASMR

and listened to Dee's Testimony for a bit

she is a prodigal son

but she was too interesting for me to fall asleep to.

So i put on the healing Room ,  night nurse

'  Built like a hydrogen  Bomb - '  soft B

i skimmed thru the gospel of john

looking for the passage that aaron wrote on their whiteboard

but i cannot remember almost all of it ,  but he wrote ' she ' and maybe 'her '

which i think was his idea , and he may have translated other parts differently.

i loved a lot of thewords i read , lying on my bed ,  the godwords , and Jesus said and He left ....

i wondered how to ask him what he wrote

Tim heidecker said that Dynasty Typewriter was the worst name for a venue.

I think a good name might be The Stage Left .

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