Sunday, September 26, 2021

A Stream of Consciousness Poem

Look I said beans Walla Walla Washington.

First steps: Build a wall for Frank and Sue,

because they leave soon, and losers waste

their cousin-friends. : hopping on their left feet,

Drunk rearranging their tyre gyroscopes, fleet

porn mushy tiger milk the mountain.

Tiber phlows thru the Khyber

on the dark letters on the beige 50th page

of the 100 page hardback wriitten by the

imaginations of lost male minds, I SCREAM,

the black forest cogently explains

I appreciate the eloquence, but perforated

Lines make it hurt

all but not Lonely, u forsake the young hot

No-one really said they want to

I already remember the last One

You Mess the Time, It Says Okay.

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