Saturday, December 19, 2020

 Hello, this morning derails like a railroad going 40 miles per hour. I sat on every chair in my house for long enough to die and roll out. I ate 4.25 biscuits made of wheat, ground up, from the floor, where my toes dwell, like denizens of dirt and flesh. However we show off our machines, like trains, and our dreams, like blue tye dye pants hanging from big trees at noon or midnight, the Sleep-Wake cycle and the River of Human Doings will justify the dimension of our dissolution... into youth untolerated and freedom infallible.

In the past 7 days, I watched 36 hours of healthy-ish bums living through a wire down to the hopeful minute, on top of their merry Park-Like mini-mountains, whith  rich amenity-drenched gated neighborhoods, of the Future, themes and dissents and dissertations and the Endings of Mediocre media-units, limit of 5 hours per segment, one viewing session, one Title.

I am the past and the Present an' thee most ergonomic.

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