Saturday, December 12, 2020

Open to it

 Parallel Openness 

Attitude French love dig

- a dig is an insult or a harsh critique

- to dig is to like a lot, to be really into like it's your thing

The Healing Room - comfort joy hope care love content hero bliss heaven forever realness reliability trust faith truth                                   a s m r

boil sautee bake refrigerate 

Shoes toilet shower sink towel underwear bed

House town river city forest plains game meat lettuce spinach beans eggs bones Library google fiber macbook best buy geek squad parking lots

Cars. Going to celebrate holidays driving around and looking at some family talking about the next week and last year and a year away, no one knows, but we will wear more clothes and not have to take it seriously and be careful to make a decision about how to get the best of our time and what we need to know, because it will help the whole process, - the solution of history, This Dissolving Cosmos, our eternal faces spread thin on the record of our intentions and earnest natural soul trajectories, towards meaning beyond life....

~ predictive

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