Thursday, November 30, 2023

 I'll politely interrupt your sisters. 

When we saw each other at the school 

Dear God exploded,

At long intervals, 

Cash me your pursuit

App for one evening. 

Sacrificial dawn

Salivate on moons

Sink Chinese steak bomb

All I can think is 

Sit on the Church floor,

 Cozy willikers

 Cheap dead people

Let it time.
Simply be words.
As far as I know. 
Take teaching now further.
I feel the Fleet transforming.
Daughters, brothers become Mother -
actually ; I made the sound heard.

 There is more to be.

I am defended by tomorrow.

Defensive and terror,

I am looking at the wall of the face between my eyes and space.

A collection of coagulents, Our brains, minds and eyeballs find out the serious logic to open the one book.

Purpose left my string bean of a corpus.

The wondering pig slept on the distance of the trail.

Wild woolly Practitioner, Please do not stray, keep our lines.

Sitting on my leg, overexposed violet

Something normative, bland constraint

I can Will into icons humans Living

Imagination Instruction Wellspring.

. . . .

Confession. Forgiveness. Salvation

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 He's a real God's God. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

There is no time like the No Time.

Extension, Pottsfield C. M.

The Earth removed, the stars removed,
The Sunday morning face is dead.

The Earth is green, the stars are blue,
I wish that we can live again. 

My head is full, my mouth is loose,
Wonders come and go with us.

As bananas split and Meanings lose,
All of Time we wait for You. 

The Blasting Company Over the Garden Wall

The Truth revealed 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

 Truth is the mystery 

Mystery is the truth 

Hide your yellow suitcase

Monday, November 27, 2023

Light of Whereno

Light from nowhere

What is you?

Death money nothing

In the Bible

Where to save

Photon replacement

I am practical particular.

You appropriate misgiven

Where can I

Push pull your wherewithal


Maury Povich ambiguous ambush

Ambivalent apathetic amphibious

The Fact Exchange

Security Commission

Leave me where you Be.

Angel Love alone deepfired Office Park. 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

 Suppositions of Chemicals

Indian pillow comp scout

 I am scared

, but it is impossible for me to explain. 

There are too many details for me to convey. 

I was a family. I was a film theater with people in them

at the time. They all went.

And then very appropriate weather

Outdoors, I am open to the neverending.

Timely I found the properly correct words

The correctly right words of just


 Mary, agile

To wit laying down,

Soaked up,

Made international café selections ,

The always Lavender Lotion ,

Free of opposition. 

Napoleon, Written by David Scarpa, Directed by Ridley Scott

Enjoy the War

O the beauty 

We fight the beauty. 

We fight for beauty.

This is astoundingly entertaining.

Fall through the Hellish turmoil.

He is beautiful. 

It was really something.

One day it will be good, when it is a good day.

Maybe I may forestall

The End

 Am I ready to die?

Am I ready only to go to my eternal life

Am I ready to be only eternal?

I need to teach all the doctors.

                I need to teach All the Doctors. 

O , Leader.

 Uncharismatic points 

Accepting evil

 Ecological Way if Life

I don't want anything. 
I want nothing. 

I want to die.
I don't really want to die.

I want to just say what I want
and what I don't.

I just want to exist. 
    Like This    

I don't want anything. 
I want nothing 

Want For
                       What For

A Cool Song

 " We 


Poisoning you."



Passion in You.



Fortunates of You.

And we


Poisoning You.

Do, do do do.


Do, do, do....


Simple drum and strummer

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Let us take
Everything For Granted.

Ego-youthful Rip Cut

 Tones of time.

Tomes, lone.

A line.

 Murder then R 13

Body in the small town public park

No one has a newspaper.

Dot com delicious

Supernatural states of justice

This is what the angel in my head mind? tells him.


 Burnt slime

Shallow girlpool

Wishwaiting, unbroken timeless medieval grim Faerie deathclock burning rummage blemish archaic ruin blast blight blush cheek in the overbrush....

White winter woman polyp poppy dream in D Minor dunk slow sewage penis blonde crack crumble husk derelict licking scarred tongues under blue aging child dinner Dusk.


 Luckily never is real

Not to eat turnips on the side of a road 

Howard's corner

Emily Kriss

Illegal terms


Stand with us on turkey day.

Friday, November 24, 2023


Where to Watch 

Will Be a Perfect Song

 This will be a perfect song. Love has died, and no one is gone. Now we come back to the circle. The circle is bloody and bleeding for you and me. I want the Things to sing. They want the Blood to bring us back, to Life. Because we sit under neath the earth, it brings good feelings of muddy blood and Holy shit. I fuck with you, because you bring me Talismans of "happiness" of Jew; He was wallowing with his elbows and his knees. The Sea of Galilee. He blew up the Bank of Nazareth. And he came back from Death. He was a God with His Breath. Blowing down my throat. I wish I were the goat. I will sacrifice every tiny little Lamb. And the tip of my tooth will bring blood for you. I cry, ' cause I give you my 2nd chance. He cuts his mouth with a bloody sheriff's tooth. He grabs the soldier by the mustache. Money grows on a silver cloud. Come down and come back up. I wish we were no one else but us.

5 is the number 
Of the Trinity 
And the Self [The My self] 
And the Other Self.

Those Flows , of Sound of Words

The Day Before Thanksgiving

Please, Let us love God.

O my Gosh, what is happening to me, with me, in me, by me?

What's going on? What may be wrong?

I said and thought, when I peed out south of my mom's house. 

They named it Sandwich Day.

A person named Please 

Backwards Labia (It All Makes a Little)

 Type my pencil in your Pulses.

Backwards Labia, No one knew me.

No one cries at my Funeraria.

Life's a mystery, burning. I want to scare ya. Why don't I scare ya?

 It all makes a little sense. 

                 It all makes a little sense. 

                                  It all makes a little sense. It'll make.

Frozen Dam

Frozen Dam

Frozen Dam

Frozen Dam

Fro Zen Dam Fro Zen Dam Fro Zen Dam Fro Zen Dam Fro Zen Dam

A designer designs the purple, pink, blue, grey sky.

Omygod, so beautiful............................................................................................................................................

Britney Spears and tying the loose boots.

Britney Spears and trying to lose boos.

i really wanna live

on Australia

where i can see

the southern ocean.

i really wanna live


I need to go now.
That has at least 3 meanings, go out of this bed, go poop, go for a walk, go home.
I should need want to go outside; My Life is not done.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

 Perfect summer Pork shoulder

The humans are safer on the ocean side.

I love the sun, the light, the gods, the warmth, the cold, the dark, and everyone sleeping for life.

This feels so good, my warm heart. We're pushing 99 f.
You should never reduce a fever which's below 103.

Thanks to the cool dude at Jiffy Lube,
Now I knew I inflated my tire to 63 psi.

Have a happy day

The sea gives renewable gifts. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Why does christmas

Why does christmas 
What am I, Then?
A soft toadstool
Bleats with me.
Jungle hums a
SĂ©ance. Realise
Tummy eggs are
Factors of fun
Time, never left
You more Correct
Haikus, Child
Well connected.

That must be Christmas.
I open my mouth to breathe.
you know They believe


Butter Bean

Post Card


I think i'm okay.

I think I know what i'm thinking.

I'm so messy.

I like to think I am careful.

 Pain to be Exhausted

[ Is pain to be exhausting ? ]

Paying to live with In the mind , Chase the free truth of Thought.

[ What have you been up ]

 Action network

Act , lose , rebenefit

 Acting Lass

Agents of New Body Election

 You can drown in the plasma of hydrogen forming.

You speak The other language....

 Maiden native

Made in mating 

Marfa, texas native population 

Astral protection 

Leaning architecture 

Beautifully building art piece

In spacious wonder below sky science 

Grown scowl 

And flee bleed grieve tee up tune up.

 I wanna be your doorway 



Sound reflection 

Oh well :empty nest, my brain

Released beats 

Unfamiliar Word

Wonder full wise women invest in the local Synopsis of syntheses. 

She calibrates total times in forest homes to restore the power inside, leading health journeys, beyond doubt, abolishing frustration.

Suffered suffrage

Beans talk

A little older ,

Meaningful differentiations :

Pinkies wear

Pinkie's Ware. 

Pinkie is where ?

Chicken's Egg and Cow's Milk

Gallus domesticus

Bos taurus

Sincerely OK




Lying in Bed

Blessed I am shapen Create my will someone

The Stars everything comes back alright

A sewing needle that needed The prince of price.

 A shape in the cross okay proven

Shaven blisters, a swallowed vitamin Creampie

I collected my Shore.

Bean bag elephants school bot

A feeler of days Cry animal

Bone swings

Interesting intermittent laden Archetype

Press release full sentence stop

Quickly a Schnee

I Impress you wonder under sweetly silvery car part.

Back of the store sweated Eyelids

You and I talked for some reason.

Difficult to difficult to ( det((er)mine)

Monday, November 20, 2023

  1. I Stare at Your Watch
  2. The Sitting Layup
  3. Awake Living Ready to Sleep

Friday, November 17, 2023






Monday, November 13, 2023

Death death, dear death,

Jewish farm plane

Reams of wood plane to peels

Purse of Yellow.

New name for me, peace shrine

Pies of death flow through impervious jungle.

Prenatal my orange sorrow, please, my death,

piss be willing, all punch.

Meal, poverty, harrowed, 

Orphaned fire-side

golems of clay and fear.

This that is the promising oval nurse.

[My mom and I watched the last episode of Annika series 2 and the 2nd episode of Navajo Police: Class 57.]

Sunday, November 12, 2023

I might really not care. Cosmos is infinite, Time is infinite, Eternity is limitless and divine. We and all are part of the Three Persons who are perfect.

So I am drinking coffee and Whole milk. It's Tim Horton's k cup.

I will sit on a wooden toilet seat... so explained and indelible. 

I am inedible mush of meat and such, akin to mangled antelopes, bobcats, raccoons, reg'la cats, squirrels, big dogs and livestock.
They call roadkill.

This dream is ineffable. I will look that word up at the end of this paragraph. The sun walks on the south beach. It makes love with the wind, and directions of light and sound are born. 

O yea, this cannot be described or expressed.

So, the end.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Why is everything okay? 

Why does everything mean something? 

or other things? 

Continued next day.

I cannot remember what This meant to me last time.

Do not be anywhere. 

Lost Power Pop Song [that's the title:]

1minute into, drum, add guitar, then add synth then bass

   " Burn Your Self

You don't want to feel that you have to go! O-

Don't wanna be normal. 

The moon has flooded in a rhyming way. "

1minute outro

The title of the lost song is Burn Your Self by unknown artist. It's like Tribute by Tenacious D. But this is the song, just found again, maybe a bit different from the original. 

Demeaned revival

Deliver surprises

Your country is not listed. 

Man heated

Ham meated

"O Oh, Shimin-Na-Na" by The Unambiguous Angels

           This can't be real.

But it is.

Starting to smell kinda weird, like a big buffet

Or a salad with nuts and seeds

, Maybe a little scotcheroos

 Gothic Grunge

Puerile people

Artemis antipode

Trafficlaw tendonitis

Shoulders, take up arms.

Loosened Lucid

 Loosened Lucid

My accident ', accidental human

Broke pant

I did forget.

I now know what who how why?

I ask myself to sleep on the inside. 

The cherish glum

Dressing disgust

And leave as this is discussed

Discus, the leaves feeling float


Ten times later, times ten things

A dryer, complete 

The loops



If only I am at the end. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

C  A  T  H
O  L   I  C
C  H  I   L
D  R  E  N



 is a novel.

         Juanita sits at the bus stop by CVS on South First. On planet Earth, she is 5 foot 3" and 233 pounds. The time is November 2,023 a.d. She looks south for the bus. She is 14 or 41. Her mother is 39 or 93. Her name's Maria.

When does expositive explanation end and narrative description begin?

If you've wondered, the sky is grey, getting greyer. In Southern New Mexico, the average air temperature is 49.8 Fahrenheit. Juanita has cold lips and nose. She bravely sits and gazes in the direction of the expected bus.

The bus driver accelerates across the street then brakes for Juanita. His name's Ted. Or Teo. He welcomes her. The interior lights already shine brightly, because daylight saving time ended two days ago, and today is ending.

Juanita says hello, thank you. She wears a pinkish pastel sweatshirt and blue jeans. For 45 minutes, in ear buds she listens to top 40 songs on her way home, smiling out the window; black depths of urban scenes transgress into a mirror of her face. 

She stops, 1333 Parker Lane. Walking to her front door, her hip hitches. She cries, smiling.

The wilderness twilight excites her and itself. She keys open her home. 

She sighs loudly for four to 5 seconds, flops her shit down on the kitchen counter and begins to undress.

It's 17:47. She articulates a bathroom ritual. Her cellphone broadcasts a beauty guru's wise words and demonstrations. 

Teo drives into his driveway at 19:23. His wife Consuela just finished making dinner. 

His jaw, neck and shoulders relax.

Everything begins and burgeons. 


Juanita incorporates restful intentionality. 

She rolls over and snoozes until 9:09. Thinking of pancakes and maple syrup, she rises wistfully, trudges to the sink, washes and brushes, so sleepily, bravely.

The fucking damn Sun rises. The mountain mists. She correlates the coordinated morning tasks, every simple person.

Juanita shows up at the carpool meet-up at 9:54. All 5 other riders admire and esteem Juanita. 

Wishing they could be her once,

One of the fuckers listens to of Montreal's Cherry Peel in old headphones. 


It is NaFaDoYBIMSCoM, so I try to type 2,000 words a day.

John Green patently sits and clay boxes orange and pudge me.

Juanita is 2 or 3 feet from the edge. She relicits.

At 12:03, Terás tests her training skills with unbridled, intermediate uncontained activity. The facility's flashing lights flash, unwarrantedly. Terás tramples the delicate daisies. Already it's 16:46. Suns settle fractiously. 

She leans back from the tortuous escape. 

Back into the chaos she embarks. Tolls the 2nd shift the intercom.

Blood and cancer




Maria dies at age. The black and white orchids sit on her peninsula.

She was between 18 and 52 when she birthed Juanita. --

Juanita walks through to the bathroom. She holds her face in her hands and has to try to remember if there are other people out there now. Fluffy pink linen and a toilet seat cover smile at her.

She checks her makeup and dabs. Heading back out into the fray, she imagines fried chicken and warm biscuits. 

The clouds pass; Juanita sees the sun.

Sundays at 6 she gets ready to go to get the community room at Southern Mutual Baptist ready.

On her birthday 

Juanita wakes up tired.

On the Death Day

Everyone retires.

The real

On Menchaca and William Cannon 

Expectant labor

Young mother, old spinster, young spinster

Monday, November 6, 2023

Ology, make me your best friend. 

An emo song,
Blowin thru your band's town.

A balcony,
Silent green and grey beard.

enhances actual output

Of human emotion
And if there are any sighns of suicide nor
intentional harm

Be sure and
Call this number and show this Address.
Confirm safety
And maintain contact.

 ! ! ! !

Location in Music

In the Litany of Divine Absence at 2 minutes and seconds, 

I walk vigilantly through a shining kind forest

Curiously and now is the wilds of france 1499 a.d.

I may be a maiden of 17 with a white gown

Not sleeping, never tired.

In Bloom and .... Blooming

every animal who came to the mind

at this possible moment,

Never Bible, a skant ship

Wean Cloud.

At 3:37, the slain concrete, pavement condenses

Higher than high hopes.

Giant sigh, look king up

Glassblue tints

Break Away the corner office executive.

At the time of sky

This now

1:48 of the Sleeping Dream.

Lit Any

B to F (B2F)

Being alive substitutes
Being - on the way - Salutes.

Cannot is a compound Word,
Cause pertain opportune.

Derivatives complement surd,
Does it that I / he die soon.

Elegant forms have greeted us.
Energetically objects -

Free Time incompleted us.
Functional Special sub-sects.

I Am Completely Average

I played online backgammon. I wonder if I am a lot younger than the average player. Backgammon seems like an old man thing. But I bet most of the online players are under forty. Maybe I am completely average. Living in the middle of texas. Most americans are in california. Lonely men at night on the internet playing games alone..


Saturday, November 4, 2023

 After a few minutes, santa ana by sun kil moon is one of my favorite songs ever.

I drew a picture inspired by it.

It just feels good.

I am going to eat biscuits in a few minutes.

I wrote this on paper; you can see the photograph:


Saturday november 4th 2,023 a.d.


                I am making frozen biscuits.

I am strange , in relation to People.

I must do these thing to be human to be myself.

How R U? I drank 2 much wine.

a few ago i put on a guided meditation on youtube. He is a british voice.

Sleep and lucid dreaming

How can we help ourselves? I do not know. I am lying in bed , semi colon ,  I am too crooked.

Why is Posture always seeming too difficult to me?

I put butter between the biscuits and the foil. They cook twenty five minutes. 

I hope to God I sleep and feel better.

I began drinking about one p.m. My forehead hurts . . . .


Santa Ana is a city in california I believe

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This Is So Important

I'm being serious. Everything is important to itself (and me). One may feel not important at times. All have intrinsic value. Each entit...

Sunday, November 5, 2023

How Good Are You

How good are you? 
Confession to ultimate. 
Many rapid eyes scan your

back head. Redinblue pins of 
beams Flutter millimeters 
on mechanics and old 
wood structural tool sur-
faces. Levee boastful Ex-
haltation of my mind 
develops, defends, deepens, desires . . . .

Why is your person
Open on this earth
Even odder person
Young, honour, cure, Yuma?

Saturday, November 4, 2023




For the


Yet is the Sun isn't dumb.

Bloom is on the booming blue Bluetooth Speaker

At the end of a summer beach

Down there where Back then

Simple memories tie dial musical nipple 

To solve loosely Death . . . .

Fixed the Mercury

Fixed the mercury 
fixed the Mercury 
tablets effervescing 
In cold liquid
In a crystal cylinda. 

[Chemical Planet]

How Strange, Wonderful and Deserving You Are


Fight Might Light

I extradite my plight.

In the middle of the night flight, we tried to argue on how right the fight might light.


Poem for Sanity

I draw the hottest bath and do not sleep in it.
All allow the view of Thanks
for the Dance by Leonard. I stay

Safe, thanks. I save the saying.
I know I can be too silent. 
Books apply to my bris

By association incompletely.
I know it looks insecure but
Silently nectars 

The coefficient, by now
You must know. 
It makes more sense to try to follow the end.

Final Song: Listen to the Hummingbird


Friday, November 3, 2023

Ten-minute Film Idea

All these movies like Dark Horse

90 minutes

All you need is ten minutes.

This is a ten-minute film:

Gregory sit at a table in a restaurants.

Jose comes to take his order"
I'll have two pan cakes over easy
Dry sausage"

Jose writes and walks to the kitchen.

Amanda barges thru the door; the windows shutter and shine.
How many of you can tell me where the fine line dies inside your mind of Truest Lime and diameter tree?
Gregory cuts his bacon.

Jose stands Facing into the kitchen and writes.
The wind blows some dead leaves around the parking lots. 

I suppose a purpose.

It makes time.

Jose walks out of the back door with a cigarette between his fingers.

The sun beats like a little sheep.

Somebody was northwastern and she lived in mary land.

It was november fourth;

Blood pour through the pupil the same rite,

Arbitrary paper and pencil;

It is the park at dawn and noon the solitary people

Wasting in a functional used vehicle,

Tony soprano tim hydecker : i factor in tha use full information


Following the family and the screens die just in time
Just like the Dissolution ihop at IH Thirty5 and Seventy One....

The end.

It's too confusing to reject.

Write something

Since I am so drink on yellow tail shiraz

Bloody peoplebixby bull I imagine

The snow drift is leaving my brainfolds

Quietly I suppose I am existing

Problems that coexist in the frames of triangles

Sweet sexy dragonder ravenage rile
Come on your die I don't know why you fuck me do wine nigh

It's a kindness that I find that out
 why don't you know me more

Feeling is a sweat. What can I diamond and I feel like it. And I've widened a figure out why in a tin fine. That s*** I want to sow it it and I'm fine. What can I do? 
it figures in life
 social life

Simple mathemedical equation influx of fake urine's trying out the snow pine and stay a relaxed pilot pay to what

Sterilizing comment at deadline advising

 deadline in town line and chocolate for lay eggs

I salute you and I can graduate you and I celebrate. And the sun is dry, hanging out for the plug. Zzle titled a little clipped up

Create a Hammond AA to it's a kick. I'm, I don't know who are you and I can't stop up for a second time purpose. You get it hurt so it feels like a guy. I'll bought your data, I couldn't pull it for what you eat. And a serious time, serious time, serious time, serious time.


            here goes now .       11-3-2,023 a.d.

      I uncovered Land of the Loops. Holy Music 

God Loves children. An all ages Showing

UP for human capital reprogression

Program your Menial Soul

Merchant Fact Action

  Lis  Ten    In  Ten   tly.

I ampiguously implore you in everlastin


Function As a Special Operative

I en  trust y'all a opine

   foos  Pine  foor   FOOQ Me;

   False Chinese Wea pon

ANiPhilactic organ ism most


and humungeneous   , all Fall

alphal alpha under Grown Scene

   Stem  dern  berth  Gearth.