Sunday, January 8, 2023

I'm a Melinda one of the doctors I've been asked to have a look at your cardiovascular system today so that involves me having fulfilled your post

It is a value field and a lesson to a chest with a bureaucratic fantastic so initially as always playing a look

What I'm looking for again is that he sounds of nicotine standing here and just turn the Palm over any Palm arrow theme on which you could see with things like hot and the virus

I want external assistance or is a waterfalls personal for film with a link recognitionAnd again I'm looking for a collapsing pulse which you tend to find when they owe the Greek agitation feature to relax that down there for meSlowly I can't just take pop the backing no one I look for JSJVP here it's like muscles and ice cream relaxed can I get it with a chin a toy and a bit of a little bit too leftBut I'm looking for here it's the characteristic double clicker that you should say with the latest pulsation nowYou can use torch but you're not pinterected alive and deceived a little bit easier you can include him at the base of his neckPaul Scott's bigger you can ask Jay to lay down a bit off the bed slot and that can make it a China pay more basic as noticeYou should be able to collapse it down come so I shouldn't be able to feel in bed once you've actually put my fingers on it I have a Chuck in the reflex and we can see a push hereTransient Ryan's ears persistent with heart failure it's great thank you so maybe we'll now to Jay's chest as I mentioned before when we get ready obviously goingI should feel jealous Hi Bixby if it's more natural or displaced couldn't decay less than trickual hypocrite which is save a number of conditions such as hot hotThey would extend Oasis or hypertension we get an increase in the afternoon that the venture has to work against so that's all very normal which is excellentAgain if the ventricle is hypotrophic or the right ventricle is hypotrophic can often feel this as a real he I guessText Ariel againIn the brightstone ledge so now we move on to oscultating the heart and you want to listen with both the bell and the dire thread in a systematic fashion so as to not miss anythingOn heart sounds so it's good to have your finger on the corroded pops to be able to tell where you're at in the cutting example it's I'm gonna start with the aThe left turned ledge way more likely to be able to hear enormous associated with things like I ordered a greater agitation simple affect all of them try customer recognitionAt the air order carrierAnd I'd like to ask you to roll over until you're left side for me if that's OK well let's of Michael's Denise's just more clearly heard in this position hear a murmur in the Montreal area you want to have a listen into the exile of a radiationOK and there's no moment there so there's no radiationBreathe out and then holdJiggling should settle with exploration now I'm going to have a listen to you back there as well the other thing's sorry to know it before we move on to the back is that if you hear a murmur throughout the precautionI want you to take a deep breath in and then hold for me.

The long basis has the date for the union outstream offWe're just going to be wearing a dimmer till the settlement of innovation or wheel channel pipeSo the select book is following by the guilty of the state to do making the attention leave for a couple of secondsWe'll find that you leave a mark if you do fans on a damer it's important to quantify how far up the lake discos that may extend the entire way

Thanks very much Jay : I think we're all done

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