Friday, June 25, 2021

pen and paper

    It is 307. I am awake.  The mountaintop

is 40 yards below heaven, as Tiki pronounces

semi-perfect circle 2 digital milimeters ink-wide,

the 4303 blue-to-white inside the 43rd old

  I make Spark Little to grow a Pine

rewatch a Pall Lime Colate pre-agile

Reaction yellow at One Hollow, Melrose

Avenue 646 October 2nd 20. 99.

I forgot to allow all cookies, Tim

mentioned, Which is the best Regretted

Decision for Unbelievably No Reason

Understandably for All us us Uh Gregs

Freeing Light-bulb toadstools option to

Four or Less between 2; a vector

Pronounce 43 and Topple Higene,

Proper Doctor of time Denton Arc ....

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