Tuesday, June 29, 2021

I should know nothing about that pipe.

Facts should run through this wall.

What Do You Do for Work?

I sleep in a room.

I sleep in a room in a house. 

I sleep on a bed in a room in a house

and I don't don't don't don't don't wake up. 

' When you sleep, do you stay asleep? '

Don't sleep on my : Word for another Body, 

not mine, not of the Sky nor of the Earth,

because I will sleep on its own. 

. . .    

Sunday, June 27, 2021

words from my bad drawings in 2021

 1-23-21     11:24


Kneel in

by my 


Draw a head left-handed

"Jesse and Dodger Play Twin Mirror" 3:41:20


Rice Sky   3rd



don't cry


broken cigarette

        Draw a lefthand righthanded


A Simple Art Drawing Pie-...

"Water that makes you

R Heart Stop."



H:2 HI


2 feather

2 sac






drip Food                                  "sailin' N A BeAN CANOE"

rice to continue my Name





                      92nd St.

- dizzy





          A Gaelic Phone

          (Perfect Insects)


                   Let's make a picture

                    Hi , hello , begin.

Do Nothing

                          see my words









Mercury Rising


a BuiLding



Friday, June 25, 2021

pen and paper

    It is 307. I am awake.  The mountaintop

is 40 yards below heaven, as Tiki pronounces

semi-perfect circle 2 digital milimeters ink-wide,

the 4303 blue-to-white inside the 43rd old

  I make Spark Little to grow a Pine

rewatch a Pall Lime Colate pre-agile

Reaction yellow at One Hollow, Melrose

Avenue 646 October 2nd 20. 99.

I forgot to allow all cookies, Tim

mentioned, Which is the best Regretted

Decision for Unbelievably No Reason

Understandably for All us us Uh Gregs

Freeing Light-bulb toadstools option to

Four or Less between 2; a vector

Pronounce 43 and Topple Higene,

Proper Doctor of time Denton Arc ....

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

 I'm on vacation, so what if I go to the library and shelve a few books while I'm dead inside and I sleep on your face while you're talking to me...

We have a hot tub and 3 long, faraway trips in the coastal valley futures of our minds


 . . . . grazing the last of the spring flush of grass. I can’t help but linger when I walk past the herd these days. Their delight in the comfortable weather and abundant delectable grass is like a halo around them right now, nearly visible. 


On Thursday I waded through a fresh section of pasture thigh-deep in brush, sedge, clover, vetch, orchard grass, and trefoil, and it seemed infinite. Then the flock came in and put its collective head down and the next day the field was transformed, easily navigable, all the mature stemmy grasses trampled into the ground to store carbon and hold water, the tender leaves gone, converted to living energy: milk, meat, bone, blood, leap and baa. I love to watch sheep eat.

... you understand why goat milk is so interesting.



Wow..I've never been this calm for a while

Keto for a Silent Child


i think i just didn't bother

trying to learn the Source

or the only other following.

A Blue T-shirt. A Horse Ranch.

When It Was Nineteen Ninety Nine.

Any way we react to leopards

in the treetops.

Sadly a Water Slowly

Genoa falling a suitcase

best your Friend last night

Monday, June 7, 2021


hotter than August in October

whi-ter than a buckskin on my shoulder.

hotter buckskin in October

August on my shoulder

Starlight on the Rails - Utah Phillips

i love you

i meant him

love you, utah

and you whoevea you ah

initially i accidentally typed Starlight on the Rains

when i've typed notes on library accounts, instead of 'paid' i've accidentally typed  'Pain'

Sunday, June 6, 2021



Wow. I love him.

I think some restlessness in my bed my body

I typed " reign pain brain " into youtube 

Now Big Thief is doing Mary https://youtu.be/rRJfPweIcL0

I like very good

I live

Almost I cry

Wet nose lower eye skin covering

Wipe and spread my first two long fingers 

Now is Tommib Help Buss

I only listened to a bit

Then to a few seconds of Green Arrow by yolatengo

Because some videos are seen by youtube as Music and will not play " picture in picture "

So I can't type and listen,

But Coltrane's Spiritual will play and does now

I think there were other words I wanted to share 

Howard spoke of writing letters to anyone or anything as a way to heal pain, deal with emotions. I thought of writing, Dear Life and Dear Greg.

I must explain or express each of my thoughts, or I just think that I want to 

A question, basic, fundament, a detail of Being, existing, thinking one moment to the next

. . .   .

I read about a page of Lonergan's Insight

Special Transcendent Knowledge at about 430 a m

The problem of evil. I thought about Aaron and me, what to say, how to do... exetera... I thought of saying I was confused by most of the sentences, phrases, ideas,, Lonergan's language and thoughts. Then the next paragraph he used the word confuse.

Order, and world order, were difficult words and meanings for me to comprehend 

Anyway. It is 525 a m now

I should try to sleep more

Sophie Michelle asmr is on a 4 hour video

My hands go a bit numb holding up my phone 

My head hurts a bit or it's full of pressure.. too much

Okay, what to do now.. I do


I dunno

Lemon balm , . Mark eekkloz

Name with letters in alphabetical order













I can think of no mo'

Night night love you 


Saturday, June 5, 2021

 Wild community . Name the horses

Thursday, June 3, 2021

 I used to be my best friend, but now I'm going to Danbury, Connecticut.

 - -I'm going to sleep cuz I live in the Andes . . . .

Turkey baster still alive in the Unsound Morning

a red horse at English dawn



work at the mini mall. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. 

I- I   work at the mini mall. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.  . . .

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

 Plant-based night-creme

nourishing oil



all time all existence

           The Healing Room, Dee, Spa, First Person, Sleep

deep dark blues and purples and lights

If the name of Christ

Is a penny for the slice

He would only came twice

New Monsons





[ winter + February 

May + spring 

summer + August

November + autumn ]

Each has 90 days. Year begins Winuary 1st, the shortest day solstice. The next monson doesn't begin until the next equinox or solstice, so there are unnamed days in between. 

Christmas is Winuary 5th. There are no weeks. Most people work 2 days then are off 2 days. 

For the Southern hemisphere: Sumuary, Matumn, Winust, Noveming