Sunday, January 3, 2021

Seven Minutes in Heaven

 A 49 minute movie

Begins with credits for about 1 minute, black background, white times New Roman, it's like old movies with all the Credits at the beginning. Silence.

Chapter titles, not sure the order:

It's a Sin to Expect More

Feeling Bad Is Only a Way to Feeling Good

I Didn't Think I Was Capable of Being This, But Here I Am

Push Away the Edge

Here Is a Real Life, Always Aware of You

Abstract Mathematical Answer

Your Arm the Radius, When and Where

The 1st 7 minutes, a male and female go into a closet, two or three friends time them, they are playing, having fun, sleeping over. They're about 18 to 20. 

They huddle in the dim. 

Jim: I never thought I would do anything like this. I don't know how I got here. 

Sue: it's easy. We are meant to be here. Some one put us here, wanted us here, let us be here. It's hard to explain, but I see it clearly, I feel it, I know for sure, I know them, but I don't know how. 

[ I think she knows about me , or just about me thinking and writing them into existence 

I exist. How did this happen?   ]

Later for now

Be you later 

I needa sleep 


Jim and Sue tell tales to each other. 

Sue: tell me something you never thought you'd say

It's like Confession

In those booths with the screens kneeling 

Kneeling Screens sounds like a good title 

7 minute chapters play out the short tales they tell

The end, silence cut to black 

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