Tuesday, August 13, 2019

. . . Communication Systems . . ' Write a Writing '

 this  is  too  unclear ,  wasteful

                                                           Sorry Friend for the Mess of Life

                G O A L   of   L I F E

i   love  this  place   even  tho   it  sucks

i wonder why i was obsessed with arranging all these letters and symbols for this much time

it is easier to do than something i should have been doing

helping people get healthier 

for   Eternity

                               For   God   Be   God

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Communication Systems


Thursday, August 15, 2019

   Communication   Systems

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In linguistics and semiotics, a notation is a system of graphics or symbols, characters and abbreviated expressions, used (for example) in artistic and scientific disciplines to represent technical facts and quantities by convention.
Notation definition, a system of graphic symbols for a specialized use, other than ordinary writing: musical notation. See more.
Use the noun notation to describe a written note, like the comments an English teacher makes in the margins of a student's essay.
(uncountable) A system of characters, symbols, or abbreviated expressions used in an art or science or in mathematics or logic to express technical facts or quantities. (countable) A specific 
note or piece of information written in such a notation. She made a notation in the margin of the book.

notation meaning: 1. a system of written symbols used especially in mathematics or to represent musical notes: 2. the system of written symbols used esp. in mathematics 3. Musical notation is the system of ...

May 13, 2011 · Scientific notation is a way of writing very large or very ...
Math explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, quizzes, videos and worksheets. For K-12 kids, teachers and parents.
Define notation. notation synonyms, notation pronunciation, notation translation, English dictionary definition of notation. n. 1. a. A system of figures or symbols used in a specialized field to represent numbers ...
REFERENCES: Cajori, F. A History of Mathematical Notations, Vols. 1-2. New York: Dover, 1993. Miller, J. " Earliest Uses of Various Mathematical Symbols." http://members.aol.com/jeff570/mathsym.html ...

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the   end        ?

inside       outside

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8. i^   An equation (e.g., f = m a) is called a "law" when there are clear empirical results that substantiate it.


ANBUILAVARASANAugust 30, 2012 - 11:26 AM
I have keen interest to enter into the technical writing industry because of its tremendous growth. I need ur help to shine my self.
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Definitions such as of sickle cell anemia, robotics.

        2 . 
    Process Discussion such as environmental cycle, cardiac cycle
    3. Comparisons such as of nuclear reactors.
  1. 4 .Descriptions, for instance of wind mills, generators and primitive stone scraper
  2. 5 .Feasibility Reports like those of Voice Recognition Software, UPS systems.
    1. 6. Progress reports. For example, Software development, database development
       7. Application Letters such as Technical writer internee, Product Manager, Quality Assurance Manager
      8. Complaint Letters. For example, Cosmetic problems, television problems, microwave problems
      9. Instructions. For example, how to operate a Minolta Freedom 3 Camera, how to install windows XP, Using WS_FTP Pro for Windows etc
      10 .Proposals such as academic proposals, research proposals, corporate standard manuals.
      Descriptions, for instance of wind mills, generators and primitive stone scraper
      Feasibility Reports like those of Voice Recognition Software, UPS systems.
      Progress reports. For example, Software development, database development
      Application Letters such as Technical writer internee, Product Manager, Quality Assurance Manager
      Complaint Letters. For example, Cosmetic problems, television problems, microwave problems
      Instructions. For example, how to operate a Minolta Freedom 3 Camera, how to install windows XP, Using WS_FTP Pro for Windows etc
      Proposals such as academic proposals, research proposals, corporate standard manuals.
      Resumes. For example, Maintenance technician for high-tech systems, Project Manager, Technical Writer, LAN system administrator.

Best Kept Definition
An Explanation by WikiPedia
A Man Named John Maus

Writing Online    -      -      2 Volts of Current   -    2  Current Currants  ,  1 Sky Scraper

Technical and Obvious and UsefuLL
The answer to this turns out to be almost — but not quite. To understand what this
means in detail, we need to do a little bit of background work. The key point to be made
here is that Maxwell’s equations and electricity and magnetism are relativistically correct:
all of E&M “knows about” special relativity, in the sense that the equations make sense
in any frame of reference. (When we transform reference frames, we modify the E~ and B~
fields according to those relativistic transformation laws we all learned to love ages ago.
However, the new fields still satisfy Maxwell equations.) This is NOT the case for gravity!
Significant modifications need to be made to make gravity relativistic. What we end up with
is Einstein’s theory of general relativity. In this lecture we will look at some basic properties
of general relativity.
To begin, we need to introduce a bit of notation.
24.2 4-vectors
Since space and time are unified in relativity, it doesn’t make much sense to treat them
separately. Accordingly, many concepts are described using 4-vectors, quantities that are
essentially just like the vectors we’ve known and loved since kindergarten, but with an extra
“timelike” component. For example, the position 4-vector is written
µ = (ct, x, y, z) .
The way to read this is that µ is an index, ranging from 0 to 3: x
0 = x
µ=0 = ct; x
1 = x
µ=1 = x;
2 = x
µ=2 = y; x
3 = x
µ=3 = z. Whenever you see an x with a number superscript, it means
the index — it does NOT mean take it to a higher power! This system can be a little
confusing when you first encounter it.
That the “timelike component of position” is time makes perfect sense. What do we
get when we try to make something like momentum into a 4-vector? It turns out that the

                                                         T  hanks

      Ice   Water
                                      Caffeine   molecule      in       a     Brain     Cell

                    is   what    you    did   .  .  .   .

µ = (E/c, p
, p
, p
) .
We’ll introduce a few other 4-vectors before we’re done here.

24.2.1 Invariant interval
Back on Pset 6, we showed that the quantity
2 = −c
2∆t + ∆x
2 + ∆y
2 + ∆z
is invariant: all inertial observers agree on its value. This can be written this in terms of a
quantity called the metric:
2 =
where the metric tensor gµν can be represented as a 4 × 4 matrix:
gµν =
−1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
This relation is usually written using the Einstein summation convention: repeated indices
are assumed to be summed from 0 to 3. In this convention, the invariant interval then
2 = gµν∆x

We will use this notation from now on.

               The    End     .

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