On the second floor of a nice old condo with my family. I dunno. Wiating for relatives to come, getting ready for a party. It's crowded. Food, kitchen. Mom. Holy roman empire. Senate buildings, tall columns, old brown concrete. Cloudy day, only sunlight comes into room. I am accused of falsely applying for credit. Only someone else can apply for you. It doesn't make sense. The judges wear red and are stern and commanding. I am sentenced, exiled. We're on a city on top of a mountain. I am dressed all in black and painted black. I start walking away, then something forces me swiftly out of the city lower to cliffs. I am falling trying to avoid stone walls and columns. I redo this fall a few times like it's a video game. Then I just soar off a cliff, flying towards a stone wall, I worry about breaking all my bones. I step off it. I'm falling almost parallel to the ground far below. I fall towards a forest. Long thin trees. I see large eagles everywhere sitting in the treetops, they look hostile, I don't want to smack into one. I grab onto the top branches and swing around on them trying to slow my self down and lower myself safely to the ground. The tree bends incredibly and I transfer to another tree. I do get to the ground and roll unharmed. I feel as if I am only about a tenth as tall as thought I was. I see a school, several buildings and people outside close by. I don't want to be seen, in case of trespassing or something. It's about dusk. There seems to be some public gathering, barbecue or something, behind maybe the school cafeteria. It is all unbecoming. I am thirsty so I go to an ice tea dispenser, but when I pull the tab a little bit of brown tea ice sticks out and stops, looks really syrupy. Some woman, like a lunch lady, comes to help, but I just take the lid off the dispenser and use my styrofoam cup to scoop some icy tea. I drink some thinking it will be way too sweet, but I'm thirsty enough not to care, the ice is nice.
That's my dream, beam. The Roman senate part was more psychedelic and technical than I can remember.
Last night Pat skipped work. Mom called me, made me feel uncomfortable and guilty. She talked to pat for a few minutes. Pat decided on Popeye's for dinner. We watched Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol and made fun of it, not that that was our intention. Sawyer from lost had a lot to do with it. We always made fun of Lost. We paused it in the middle to get ice cream from amy's. Delicious mexican vanilla.
Patrick and I watched a two hour youtube video called an evening with Kevin Smith. I don't like him much, but he's pretty funny sometimes and says some smart stuff.
Both having a job and not having a job seem ridiculous. Pat and I went to HEB because he wanted Zingers, even though he knows hostess doesn't exist anymore. He bought some Krimpets by tastycakes and a bag of caesar salad kit. People there. I looked at some. I wonder what they do.
There was a pallet of ramen noodles about 8 feet high. I wonder how there is so much food around. There is not a lot more to life than food. I want to see what Craig's farm is like. Only two acres, like a big garden. His email scares me. I cannot call someone. I cannot answer phone calls.
Listening to tobacco was thick. Headachey. I listen to Michelle Blades now. Wispy. Clear, tall, night, lights, thin, soft, cold, smooth. Strawberry ghost feels good. New weird america, folks. Sing a song. Cripple. Sensual, crying.
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