Walking on a savanna with a Patrick, animals surround us, most of them eating animals or being eaten. I hear a voice over say we might be mauled by hyenas. I am afraid. We walk up a small hill where we find a sidewalk, which looks strange here. The sidewalk runs along the top of a ridge. We follow it. Soon there are store buildings, fences, and houses, which look ugly. The sidewalk ends and I step down onto grass, noticing a Nintendo DS on the ground. I look at it as I walk past. There are a man and woman walking behind us, and the woman says Hey, a DS! and picks it up. I tell Pat I had seen it but didn't care. We walk on a small grassy strip between a retail district and a residential district. We go into a store. It's small and plain. We sign in. There are ten or so people. We give them information about ourselves. We sit at white folding tables and eat cafeteria food. A man sitting with us talks to us. I do not know what we are doing there. After eating Pat, who I think is now J.D., farts loudly, and the man near us makes a face. I want to fart but am too embarrassed. I go to pee. The urinal is right near the restroom door and looks like it was homemade from plastic. Inside there is some metal contraption on the bottom with gears and rods and on the back are instructions on paper like it's a broken game. Anyway I pee on it.
I am busy in my mind. The internet is my other mother. I sleep inside it like a bear in winter. I am my own brother.
I have been watching TheWaterwhispers Ilse a lot. She turns me on easily. I guess I will watch two Good Mythical Morning episodes today.
I applied to Sprouts last night. That could be good. We went to Target and bought cookies and ate them and watched the Sarah Silverman Program.
I want the earth to be good to me. I want to be good to the earth. I am going to eat cereal soon.
Expressionless cat sits on windowsill and looks at the foreign outside. Does he want to go there? It is grey. Maybe in the sixties. Hungry pooping hungry pooping hungry pooping hungry pooping. Dying relaxing dying relaxing dying relaxing dying relaxing dying relaxing dying dying relaxing axing dying dying relaxing axing dying dying relaxing axing dying dying relaxing axing... I killed my father because it was fun, and I died when I did.
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