Monday, March 18, 2024

 I gone to a friendly therapist appointment. 

Her last first next appointment 

Answering questions 

My name is Recycle Reciprocal Johndoe.

It's the middle of the afternoon, 

Late late at night at 21:22 o'clock. 

Writing a long, unfinished, unfinishable, overdue, undue

Book based on a few Australian and New Zealander Television programmes,

Baste your friend the turkey, because the dusk jacket of Our coffee table

Is turquoise aquamarine and silent blueberry damp

Take a new moment 

The end of the park trail

The outdoor bball court

Leaning nifty 50 fifty-year-old trees, like buildings, apes of tax papers and learning exams

The maintenance shed

The light in window

Doctor scope

Nurse tooth

Blood bin

Waste bag

Five landfills

Foreign cities

I have never been

I blow out candles and blow pops

I run on the river in flip flops

The End

Friendly Therapist Helps you Make a To Do List | ASMR Roleplay | Writing & Typing triggers


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