Wednesday, May 24, 2023

I should try to sleep. Why

It doesn't matter, but It will be difficult. No one cares.

Just fall down and go to sleep,

Go to a hospital. No one cares.

Grass is mud, lightning blue sky, after death, more suspicious levity

Brevity of gravity, use my muscles, die from the inside out

Lumber drops on my attached index fingernail. 

Attracted beans bust blood bags

I am kind to beetles, isopods, frogs and roaches even smashings

Love amphibians and lizards

Beings talk to redrice in silky planetary schedules forget to arrive blessings Train, mortal bullshit anteater flying time 

Air for kissing gather armfuls bunkhouse carry water examine yourown Zootrophia

Philanthropy in Medium Media

Loss angel Being interrupted

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