Prelude (Pray Amble)
O, I'm sorry, hello. I had a, um, over one, I had more than one cup of coffee. I forgot I had some in the refrigerator from yesterday. I think it had chocolate syrup in it and half and half. That might've been my 2nd cup of yesterday. I had some leftover; I had that; I made a fresh cup today. And um, I think I slept pretty well, but I might still be a little deprived, of sleep - excuse me. My GI tract, esophagus... So uh, yeah, now I just made another cup of coffee, a 2nd cup. I put all this Starbux cocoa mix in it. Um, yea. O, we're an hour into Sunday Morning, CBS show. They're talking about Trump and classified declassified and espionage and FBI. And just a lot of stupid things. - I thought Mom was talking to Kit for a minute, and I was saying how stupid Kit is, and I said I hate you to Kit in my mind, or I was kind of whispering it out loud. I went out to the hot tub and put some water on my head, on my hair. I guess the caffeine is just really like uh chemistry, in like My Mind... It's like a hamster on wheel. [l' Ennui] Or a guinea pig. O, guinea pigs are big. Ashley and I saw a herd of guinea pigs running and squeaking and chirping, at the like Cedar Creek Zoo, or I wonder what that zoo is called. I wanna go back there if it still exists. I member we saw a zebra from a distance, maybe 50 yards or so, maybe we got closer. I wish I could remember; I wish I could remember Ashley's face a little better. I wonder if we'll ever talk again. Maybe we'll be at our 20 years high school reunion, when we're 38 years old. That would be lovely. Uh, it's strange how Hank is using his doggy door so much. Um, that was his tail. Anyway it's been 3 minutes, but I wanted to write some stuff about Stranger Things' characters and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, and then I decided I - and then I imagined writing, typing out my desires and thoughts and things, but, O, I just lit some incense; I should turn the fan on. But, um, the way I wanted to write it, it was intriguing to me, so I thought, "
Number Two (#1!)
i don't wanna write something like that, just based on my lust of these people, if you know what I mean... like erotica. Um but, I do wanna write in this way that I imagined which is something like I'm kind of
making a commentary of - of what I'm writing and how I'm writing within whatever creative fiction, creative writing that I'm, within the writing... within the Yeah.
Like a combination. Well, it's kinda just obvious... I just would state the obvious:
I think it would begin (the beginning of whatever I'm writing would begin:)
The Beginning
I am writing a fiction about my friend Aaron and the Congresswoman who was born on the same day, AOC. So you can see the words I'm using [::amusing] are... I'm just trying to, well, whatever I say about it now is kind of like what I would want to write about, but I don't - I don't wanna do, I wanna do less than half of it as like, as first person, present, a self-reference about the actual writing of it, which is a part of what actually: my idea for actually writing something creative.
So it's like a documentary that includes the documentarian, I think, something like that. I might try to type this out then. I think I like how, how this is going, but I can take out all the pauses and repetition, maybe. And just re- I can rewrite this, um, monologue thing... But what would the story of myfriend and AOC be?
Yeah, that's a good sentence for the piece I'm writing, [laughing] (witches) and so is this current one about the previous one being a good sentence. [or Séance] So, Aaron and AOC are walking down a sunny brown street inbetween a park and a 6-story apartment building, in the Bronx or Queenz or some where, and they are well-dressed and likable and good-looking and looking at each other. She's so liberal and progressive, She wants to turn this World into a Green good place, [paradise] for Everyone.
They didn't really think of me, but they're a little bit aware that I am writing this scene [sense] into existence, even though I'm really just talking about it right now. I guess this is what writing is like, um. And they smile and she smiles and he smiles even more. The sun is on their faces, but when they turn toward the Other face, half of the Face is in shadow of the Sun. O, the shadow of the Sun: that doesn't make sense. The shadow is the thing of the thing that casts the shadow. The Sun casts the Light, for 2 generic and 2 white mana.... Okay! I'm just gonna type now; it's almost ten minutes. I gotta listen to this though; this is so exciting, exclamation, exclamation, exclamation...
[ Myfriend Aaron is The Best. He does philosophy and Christianity. I don't know how to convince you, just think about the best ways to live this life, and what are time and space and our Minds? Thanks, Love, Greg. ]
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