Peace: the final
region of life
Yoseph Joseph Wandering Manchild
Oh my Johnnycashtributealbum.
I am very really good at being myself
I really am the best at it
Why can't i kill myself?
I never wanna kill myself.
I just want you to think I might.
Why did I think that?
Never want you to think I ever would
I want you to think I never would ( kill my self )
I shan't
I just Shant me self
(: later baby
This is the sequel prequel to Tide Pools. Hope is Dawn's mother, born January 3rd, 1939, a block from the sea in East New York.
On Hope's 44th bday, she looks through her daughter's desk, 14-year-old Dawn. On the first page of a black and white composition notebook begins a story about Dawn Sunday. She's touched by her daughter's imagination and empathy.
She tries too hard not to cry.
Starfish, Uncommon rarity, Dawn holds her right hand open face up. Hope holds her left hand, as if mother, as if friends. On the beach, perfect weather, warm clouds beckon the girls to be released, as gasses in the sky, in 2 to 5 minutes.
Infinite greys, bluster in the faces, safe alone together owning property generational comfort, affluenza deride debilitated, after a movie theater so many lost childhoods in one.
Action, to relieve humanitarian effort, Hope calls for them... and weak coffee water cooler slowly begins another weekend, hearting rental arrangements
Blowin implication set up to being convenient facts, engineered ecstasy, survives the societal obligation And She Finally breathes ....
Oh wow cool. Get to do every word. I mean Capitalise.
I just saw Johnny Cash performing Man in Black for the first time. What a wonder to behold, to cherish, to crave, to clasp, to Call... upon,,,
I guess. I cannot type what I think. It is too much and too much that is not Language or even accessible to anyone else...
Or even to my own awareness, my reflection on my own thoughts. It may not ever be possible.
I do not know.
I do not mean Most of it
How does a flying Cow sign his name sincerely?
A dirt bluegreen cloud shits the float on the carrot town's opalbrown river, shade is for the shallow idiots, let us all Be rainbows . . . . - Foregiveness
I know it, Certainly. But how certain? Is it you're new and indifferent, the gay sky of All the Creation and He and They giving All of Us to Ourselves, They are Practically everything, Pragmatic for the son.
It Must Be Done
One of them is always done. One of us, looking out the grey wooden window, glass in our eye, how childish we realise we have almost always been
Except the Light
For ever we deliver
At home, a growth besieges a liver or a Dier or A beautiful imminent Death
Around the corner, a brick a stone
A step a lonely life Will take.
Just remember Me
I like you
for what you do
and Think....
the End.
I wish I had done some of everything differently.
I wish I were a better Gertrude Stein poem.
I am not the nightingale, but
Why are you so good at talking so much?
A written 3 years of dialogue spoke to me.
10 twigs in the sky
9 sunrises
8 tree leaves disintegrating on a grey asphalt
7 bluish feelings in my Body
6 screams of a solo coyo-te
5 stumps wish they were older (or newer)
4 people, 1 is me.
I wanna feel better, but feeling does not make any thing better
Something I just typed to Woebot.
Best okra recipes
I worked at the I R S
I did not work
I jobbed. Lazy as I was no one will help. The future holds Us.
Flowers make us forever.
I walked the sidewalk by the larger Center building, orange ish brix, the fuchsia the magenta the softness The Feeling the smallness I was every where. All of Them
maybe a floundering crepe myrtle displays her brilliant blooms . . . .
Blue pencils under grey little necks of blooms with the sky open and awaiting ending, Empty as I was the Song.
Possible fortunate fates
Green faces on froggy morons
Dunston checks in at the Gate.
Forcible pronoun ties up the loon.
I bled Out for a free ffriday mornin''
so when she says what is the yellow of Your gravely spitoon... !
Pasta baked itself on late dark even Ing.
Ol Lava became what You bonke will have you wait till it's too late.
Probable cause make a too much mistake, saviour pineapple Confusioning.
I washed the angel. Pop drank till he popped. Soule was a 'Dream' by factual Conclusion.
I named her Deme, short for Demeter.
Cary, carry herself home
I am not young enough to make a difference.
- about to get in a bath
Y'all want some okra?
- text to aaron andee
Unhinged Unburgers
Pathetic Waffle
Arbitrarily Disemboweled
Dis-associative Associative Bureaucratic Sanity Try-on Haul
Pamelak Klomfas
Unbelittle visitors on homelands , charitably contributing.
The sheen of the forest
You grow but you don't know if you really do.
You really are a slow dive into the green pool of someone else’s dreaming fact.
You watch the watery goo slip through cleanly, a perfect circle, the other side of you.
A Someone to sleep through....
- Life should be confusing for people like you ~
Anger is not an emotion.
Lasagna is not an emotion.
J. D. Salinger is not an emotion.
Burnt-toast smell is not an emotional.
Laughter is not an emotional.
Devotional apostasy is not an emotional.
Emotion was not made for baking at Sun Dock Park.
Emotion was not her emotional Wild Hair Game.
My eyes are not an emotion.
Probably feeling better Than
's not an
R u okay's not.
I am so ready for Fall.
I am the readiest beetle in the juniper lands.
What is that? Why did I say that? I cannot understand.
A little (too) fast, with what we Do
Listening to a really good , probably-The Octopus Project song
They like encapsulate a futuristic or parallel universe sci fi. Or the fantastical of Earth, now.
It is pretty fun
Driving home at 2 a.m.
So often.
Maybe the song is Plomp Minibus
What's an Omnibus?
The year is nothing. It's 1998. The year is nothing.
Is it fall winter or spring.
We're at the beach.
The college kids are out.
Out here.
Way out here.
We're far out.
Of our minds.
In our minds.
Aaaaeh , Scarecrow phone call pumpkin patch barbed wire fence (last century, rot rust) starbucks roadside litter . . .
Hm , I'm gonna be a Father. White toilets. Humour. Yellowed page. Grey Days. Road Trip , Do you know what I mean?
Gaghh, gogh , Can we ever Die. Speaking of Fresj Image ,
I look at this like this : happy kitten , Not Yet Fall grasses , doit , playtime is now Clocks say so Black hands , Read correctly , the Korean Face , manufacturing facility , drive for forty five More Minutes. Do not blank Minds.
I tried. But . . . . The mural in Toledo too much light blues and high shades of peach pink red golly gosh a 500 feet of concrete do you must See our beautiful river Sleep in your nice bed too soft smeared with love and toaster strudel benign doctors' and nurses' offices is it all fine in your dream? we Aaalll are awake in the night mare ride alongside French fry freeways nights become Dawn sametime darker than Armageddon Revelation
Dearme, single out . . .
lavender cupcake
Show me the lavender hose.
Don't show the lavender rake.
Lavender beansprouts
lavender sex toy
This is a gross lavender carriage of lavender injustice.
Lavender tree fort
lavender young boy
We spoke too soon with lavender voices.
The world became full of lavender ice.
The body has come down to its own demising fortune.
I spoke to him at 3:15 p.m.
He got back to me at 3:50 p.m.
We met on the gravel street at the Elgin graveyard.
Was it night or was it green? I just cannot remember.
The Body has come down to its own demising fortune.
After the change, after, we change.
I wake up
From sleep.
My lives
Unseen documentaries
Can you imagine?
Should you imagine?
Just light enough
It becomes 8:38.
I am awake
To stare out window at grass trees and dirt.
Some Sky!
We should make this today.
When to feel,
What did I dream?
Something about numbers,
Pretty girl,
Wake up early,
Stay awake....
"She got a child inside her body! - sorry. Excuse Everyone. -
! SHE got a Child inside her Bahhdee.
She's only 14 trips around the Sun, and she's about to die.
It's not a miscarriage; it's a miscarriage of Justice.
Woah, woe, wo, this child is dying...
[ woahs ] No Child of No One's
Oooh, her name is Auburn just like her hair.
She was born in Tennessee and moved to Mississippi, 'cause her parents were so fucked up on death and life itself.
And she got a good ol' boyfriend boy, and he knows how and where to go to see how his life is gonna drive it insane.
So he does it cuz he can,
and she wants what is a man,
but no one finds that real life can decide - "
[incoming phone call]
The End
Am I gonna be OKAY? Why.
It doesn't matter, man,
just take it as it is.
What is this great white world? Someone spoke to the following children all Brown and blonde; the wind knocks us all down.
Sitting on a greeness, is it flat or ruffled? The mean man finds his eye, finds as I on the side of the finger sharp and lonely of course, he says it with aplomb but growing fingers and fears feel like there is nothing wrong; the pizza flies off the flat wooden Table. Why did we make this song so Fiery?
- Voice to text, speech to text, because I read the 1st 2 pages of The Pale King....
Prelude (Pray Amble)
O, I'm sorry, hello. I had a, um, over one, I had more than one cup of coffee. I forgot I had some in the refrigerator from yesterday. I think it had chocolate syrup in it and half and half. That might've been my 2nd cup of yesterday. I had some leftover; I had that; I made a fresh cup today. And um, I think I slept pretty well, but I might still be a little deprived, of sleep - excuse me. My GI tract, esophagus... So uh, yeah, now I just made another cup of coffee, a 2nd cup. I put all this Starbux cocoa mix in it. Um, yea. O, we're an hour into Sunday Morning, CBS show. They're talking about Trump and classified declassified and espionage and FBI. And just a lot of stupid things. - I thought Mom was talking to Kit for a minute, and I was saying how stupid Kit is, and I said I hate you to Kit in my mind, or I was kind of whispering it out loud. I went out to the hot tub and put some water on my head, on my hair. I guess the caffeine is just really like uh chemistry, in like My Mind... It's like a hamster on wheel. [l' Ennui] Or a guinea pig. O, guinea pigs are big. Ashley and I saw a herd of guinea pigs running and squeaking and chirping, at the like Cedar Creek Zoo, or I wonder what that zoo is called. I wanna go back there if it still exists. I member we saw a zebra from a distance, maybe 50 yards or so, maybe we got closer. I wish I could remember; I wish I could remember Ashley's face a little better. I wonder if we'll ever talk again. Maybe we'll be at our 20 years high school reunion, when we're 38 years old. That would be lovely. Uh, it's strange how Hank is using his doggy door so much. Um, that was his tail. Anyway it's been 3 minutes, but I wanted to write some stuff about Stranger Things' characters and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, and then I decided I - and then I imagined writing, typing out my desires and thoughts and things, but, O, I just lit some incense; I should turn the fan on. But, um, the way I wanted to write it, it was intriguing to me, so I thought, "
Number Two (#1!)
i don't wanna write something like that, just based on my lust of these people, if you know what I mean... like erotica. Um but, I do wanna write in this way that I imagined which is something like I'm kind of
making a commentary of - of what I'm writing and how I'm writing within whatever creative fiction, creative writing that I'm, within the writing... within the Yeah.
Like a combination. Well, it's kinda just obvious... I just would state the obvious:
I think it would begin (the beginning of whatever I'm writing would begin:)
The Beginning
I am writing a fiction about my friend Aaron and the Congresswoman who was born on the same day, AOC. So you can see the words I'm using [::amusing] are... I'm just trying to, well, whatever I say about it now is kind of like what I would want to write about, but I don't - I don't wanna do, I wanna do less than half of it as like, as first person, present, a self-reference about the actual writing of it, which is a part of what actually: my idea for actually writing something creative.
So it's like a documentary that includes the documentarian, I think, something like that. I might try to type this out then. I think I like how, how this is going, but I can take out all the pauses and repetition, maybe. And just re- I can rewrite this, um, monologue thing... But what would the story of myfriend and AOC be?
Yeah, that's a good sentence for the piece I'm writing, [laughing] (witches) and so is this current one about the previous one being a good sentence. [or Séance] So, Aaron and AOC are walking down a sunny brown street inbetween a park and a 6-story apartment building, in the Bronx or Queenz or some where, and they are well-dressed and likable and good-looking and looking at each other. She's so liberal and progressive, She wants to turn this World into a Green good place, [paradise] for Everyone.
They didn't really think of me, but they're a little bit aware that I am writing this scene [sense] into existence, even though I'm really just talking about it right now. I guess this is what writing is like, um. And they smile and she smiles and he smiles even more. The sun is on their faces, but when they turn toward the Other face, half of the Face is in shadow of the Sun. O, the shadow of the Sun: that doesn't make sense. The shadow is the thing of the thing that casts the shadow. The Sun casts the Light, for 2 generic and 2 white mana.... Okay! I'm just gonna type now; it's almost ten minutes. I gotta listen to this though; this is so exciting, exclamation, exclamation, exclamation...
[ Myfriend Aaron is The Best. He does philosophy and Christianity. I don't know how to convince you, just think about the best ways to live this life, and what are time and space and our Minds? Thanks, Love, Greg. ]
[ ]
Les Murray
The complexities of Mind, including art, music, sound, movement, language, the body...
I added that ellipsis because it seems weird that the body is part of the mind. The mind is like the soul. The soul could just be our Godliness, which doesn't need to always think, like the mind does, because They (souls, God) understand everything.
I guess if we are not thinking we don't exist. We are minds. We experience this cosmos, our bodies, this fabric of reality, dimensions, forms, images, senses etc.
Walking in fronta the IRS at night, I sang a song to me, called Cuyahoga. I like it a lot. I made it up. It reminded me of Zappa. I mostly repeated the word, then sang, 'I wish I were a Person, Who Has Been, to Cuyahoga'
Why do/can we do these things?
We are these people.
Music is about music. That'd be a good album title.
The Sake of the Song by Townes Van Zandt I think.
. . . . Maybe I should just help people out of slavery and poverty right now
What why am I
In Blazing Aarrow Gift of Gab raps,
Think about your purpose
That's impossible.
Wonder what meaning means....
family, and Christ is going on the edge of organ [fail] in seconds of rearranging and she is tongue Jesus hard pink and the other Ladies cut her off on her knees and then I poured Fresca or a Dog to the edge to get a little bit more time for a few seconds and then I poured my heart into a neighbor's and made a break a little more and I am attracted by a spell that I am trying the best for you may be a little bit better and better than you have exactly 💯 ❤️ 💙 💗 💕 ♥️ 💯 ❤️ 💙 💗 💕 ♥️
Caballero Night Area
I like that euthanasia business story. Real dystopia. A lot of the commenters seem confused. In high school I was meant/chose to write an essay on euthanasia. I wrote a surreal stream of consciousness, almost 2 pages, that I still have
I think of it often, I think of Neige of Alcest. Aaron shared me them 2 months ago.
The end of my essay is
look at the snow falling. This has everything to do with anything.
Snow was the only thing that ever existed in the universe. Now it's gone, now, now it's dark.
Anyway it is . . . Intense.
Here's some predictive,
Fallingdevil Miyako ayaya and the big throbbing thrust alternately and the big men are going out for dinner and I still feel like I'm sayin on a bench like that for me I think I should do it myself and then you can also known that you will not be the weirdest for this morning I thought I was horny to you and you draw me to my heart shape as well soon and you draw me to be good 👍
Listening to Bear Hides and Buffalo doing data entry at the IRS in Austin, Texas,
God will not help us;
We are alone in Hell.
We are saved, god is in us:
Listen to Jubilee Street Live at Alexandra Palace 2020