Wednesday, May 4, 2022

What Will Our Great-Grandkids Think of Us? -- Ear Biscuits Ep. 333

There always comes a point.

It's like a sharp tooth Arrives.

An upside-down Mountain stabs

the crown of your brain.

I took three or four sips or shots of rhum and vodka.

One tastes of a sugar cane plantation in a place like Jamaica.

The other of a heavily-used toilet, like a port-a-potty.

So therefore the happiness is high tide.

I step up from the blue carpet den to the orange tile living.

No metaphors direct or indirect hollow men my mind on internet Youtube podcasts Spotify, thank you I'm sorry.

No one asked or never ask who will, I don't know or care, If I do you let me know,

too sunny for days, milk of my friend who was too much for me, I wish I knew her, she has diamond dream heart eyes

I love the yellow Health and Hellness

we bake Wealth into Apples from inside libraries

dank dark flowing nubbins from Homeless we Once Had to Work

Hope you realise and remember, traffic bully no car ticket helpful hulk of oppressive bureaucracy nobody filet Time gruntle Scope perpetual Night allow Music open Wounds older Activists

Say all the Want,

So she wanted waited I overcame

Just belief, hero of one day kill off green insex creases in wallaby panties kwiet

sweet labial fracture human diatribe monocle Nucleus the New Cletus Make a bomb money Dies diet refraction of sick Light They over Power

We rest and Heal, the Personhood of the Free State, Free Persons, Heaven for Ever y One

The End 

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