Tuesday, April 26, 2022


 Art can Rant about anything ( especially an Ant ) : how Sin Reins people, when we give in to heavy hard Rains. Nerds gain Haste then melt under the Tears of the Stern Terns. Shears of old ladies cut long told Yarns, ending everything.

A rat ate her rag, so the hag covers it in tar, and some also gets on a gar, who is near, eating a hare. Some git soaked in gin looks in the window and threatens to sue her. She hushes him by the offer of deed on a lode in precious nature, thereby releasing him from dependence on the dole. They hug. Away he goes, his gait as bright as worried tin, his mind as bright as that of a nit, who sleaps fo'eva on osean's floor. Where they leave a gnat zips through transcendescent hues, a holiness having disseminated through the open door. The finally pure air gives breath full of gracious glorious lore . . . .

rat rag hag tar gar hare git gin sue lode dole hug gait tin nit sea gnat hues door air lore

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