teach me i'm so bad a[t] this.
i should try to live like you.
Sequeal to Green Texas Morning,
My bedroom is like a museum flor;
or is it Mausoleum?
So breathy in Earth dirt that
I wait like death waits, blongging
to greater metro areas of Its self....
I flied onto DFW from who-knows-God where;
Did we know where-how it would go,
when it was better? About Schmidt ask What is It?
Mike Judge cemented histery: the all-consuming Cleanse of Office Space.
Propose prose, I do pose as for the actor-theatre, alone in my home, forever I must seem. Just wallow pigs, pink-tan, lean and fat, all right and wrong places, in digestion molecules frequently fake out our only-human eyeballs, but betting on better memory Foresight Spaniards in the newer Mexico half-Love of the Future - -
Black as in a blue-field Night, never want a palette, hewn to Frost sex, cruises Late april , - the flooded Seas Argue Dry sand makes us die fast in fire-Light. So I just want you to see my surroundings again Here and Now, like a bug on the pollen-ridden windshields of eternity, blow us kisses, secrets Problem Child - Aunts wake late as Morning ends. Killer of All, the Sun goes High. They crawl dreamily along the double drivel driveway, masked for no purposes, ebony beetles rudely polished in the exelectricwholesaleDNA, Steamy, as if Everything is related . . . .
Grow up once, grow up twice
Sleep inside, sleep in dice:
to be free in feelings . . .
Heat is not really heat, rotational symmetry,
Amy re minds us all,
Don't forget to be awesome
Decrease World Suck, -Fighters (or Peacers), always save more Days
and Do not miss this Documentary,
Your favourite subject;
Once in every while, They learn of oneself.
Far away, part of the
System of Injustice:
no opportunities
for many, too many
for the few
who live a kind
of blind freedom.
Most survive,
Form { /\ } Ideas
of Blind Slaves
. . . . . . .
Art can Rant about anything ( especially an Ant ) : how Sin Reins people, when we give in to heavy hard Rains. Nerds gain Haste then melt under the Tears of the Stern Terns. Shears of old ladies cut long told Yarns, ending everything.
A rat ate her rag, so the hag covers it in tar, and some also gets on a gar, who is near, eating a hare. Some git soaked in gin looks in the window and threatens to sue her. She hushes him by the offer of deed on a lode in precious nature, thereby releasing him from dependence on the dole. They hug. Away he goes, his gait as bright as worried tin, his mind as bright as that of a nit, who sleaps fo'eva on osean's floor. Where they leave a gnat zips through transcendescent hues, a holiness having disseminated through the open door. The finally pure air gives breath full of gracious glorious lore . . . .
rat rag hag tar gar hare git gin sue lode dole hug gait tin nit sea gnat hues door air lore
Where is your first finger?
And how many fingers does it take to fold your hand?
Can you recycle trash?
How old is the youngest person?
What does the sun do at the bottom of the ocean?
Is night black?
How can my legs be longer than the street?
What are city limits?
What time zone is sunrise? Did it rise?
How fast will time speed backwards if all clocks are turned upside down at the same time?
What does a baby's forearm look like and how can we tell?
Is measurement accurate?
If a equaled b when c equaled d, and each 1 is the square of a rational being, whose number is this?
What's her story?
If a book is red backwards word by sentence, will the beginning be the end?
The End
was vacuuming, not so well, and I was kind of annoyed, maybe with myself or the cosmos, the way things are and happen. I realised with a smiling delightful quiet feeling [maybe the 'bearable lightness of being' [every thing that is (being) is a 'being' ] ]
that most things are .... [hmm, hard to remember what I thought, something like] .... not how they should be, not the way we want them, not reasonable, or something {: ...
- "no thing is supposed to be one way or another, nothing needs or wants to work out. Everything is okay. Maybe. What ever (: - Of Course Anyway, "The only necessity is The Trinity."
... and even more things do not matter, probably mean nothing, and are not worth thinking about
My friends
a senior statistician at the RAND Corporation and codirector the NIDA-funded RAND/USC Opioid Policy Tools and Information Center (OPTIC) whose goal is to foster innovative research, tools, and methods for tackling the opioid epidemic. Her statistical research has focused on methods for estimating causal effects using observational data. Her public health research has primarily fallen into three areas: (1) the effects of gun and opioid state policies on outcomes, (2) substance use treatment evaluations for adolescents, and (3) the impact of nongenetic factors on Huntington's disease. She codirected the RAND Center for Causal Inference between 2013 and 2018. She has served as the principal investigator on four grants sponsored by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), the latest two devoted to developing new tools and methods to understand causal mediation and moderation and assess the sensitivity of effect estimates to omitted variables (www.rand.org/statistics/twang), and well-operationalized, empirically-supported sequences of decision rules—known as “Adaptive Interventions” (AIs)—to provide guidance about substance-use services decisions for adolescent clients. Griffin's research has appeared in leading journals such as Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Statistics in Medicine, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Annals of Applied Statistics, Journal of Causal Inference, and American Journal of Public Health. Griffin also serves on the editorial board of the Annals of Applied Statistics. She received her Ph.D. in biostatistics from Harvard University.
The RAND Corporation is a research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous. Visit us on the Web at www.rand.org.
Offices: Santa Monica, CA • Washington, DC • Pittsburgh, PA • Boston, MA • Cambridge, UK • Brussels, BE • Canberra, AU
Donna rich, her lord is all God-y
I same tally Lohman belief graphs jiggle kim hello por time relapse relax
Music class dick money nuptial in the carefree car lane on the strip called vegas boulevard a big gay convention center
my buttt speaks public bathroom with 49 thousand other anuses help yelling thru toilet paper tubes from the next galaxy of green lives beg to forgive the leftover God who deems great fractions of equality from time to Pass and free the little room that gives hope to your over full belly licking human tassle hassles run away to incite the local Killing of Daemon rape hell knows no justice very descriptive but all together and mostly banding the youngest and most deliriously nauseous Rank never rankle the grand father pushing light Yokes the Best Sliver to Promise Always Prime Number Now Expect His Life is
Quiet Quiet
A quiet quiet
Quiet quiet
I don't believe him.
Don't believe him.
Wasn't easy
Wasn't easy
Scene Stealer
Walk lightly walk lightly
[Light percussion, riding cymbal]
What do you say when I wanna say?
Whadda You say when I wanna say?
Colloquial synapse soliloquy synagogue
What time it takes to breed
On the character sheet.
What animal What breed ?
Take our time to breed
The animal of things
The purpose of our being
The watching of the seeing
Colloquial synapse soliloquy synagogue
My Mother's Socks
look like baby socks.
Don't watch the sun drown tonight.
Christian churches fall
to the devil
The forst of Joooon,
In Brigadoooon,
My troo lahv did fly the floon.
~ ambient whistles.
Kettles, alt lyres :
People say that you'll fly
Better than without water,
But it's all just a lie. Scare yourself
Scare your daughter.
I miss doing nothing, sleeping late, staying home all day (:
Also I love taking a walk at dawn