Thursday, November 26, 2020

Veda MRI

 As far as you're aware, do you have any allergic reactions to the MRI contrast agent? It's gadolinium-based.

. . . .

So it looks like your doctor has ordered an MRI contrast agent, which means about halfway through the test, I'll take you out of the MRI, and just do a quick injection of the gadolinium agent. That should improve the contrast and clarity of the second set of images.

Are you on dialysis? 

So that's it for questions. 


So, again, what I'm giving you is called gadolinium. It's gadolinium-based. It's an MRI contrast agent, and it's just an injection. Sometimes we do it as an IV, but today we're just going to do yours as an injection, and what it does is increases the contrast and clarity of the next set of images we're doing. 

. . . being in a people printer . . .

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