Monday, August 31, 2020

Nature Census

 At Bastrop State Park, near the swimming pool, a pretty big grasshopper flew into my face, my left cheek, side of my nose. I waved my hand at it and made a little noise of surprise.

It was really nice. I'm happy that happened.

At the front door of the refectory, I almost stepped on a little brownish snake. It slithered to the entryway corner.

On Green Oaks Drive, I drove by a hawk on a fence to the right, about 15 feet away from the road. It turned to look at me as I passed.

At Morris Memorial Park, behind the graveyard, white, colorful ducks and petite painted turtles swam in the pond and sat on the shore.

The secluded well kept more wild and shaded area

light-soaked  days

more light than heat

john green

a   fifties   futurist   fairy-tale

Mid - Sentry , 20th of the Lord Jesus

I drove Mom and I thru Easton Park. Or myself. Or maybe also . . . just her

We were impressed.

Infinite Aloneness

Not an infinite amount of time being alone

Just at any point in time or beyond, an infinity of aloneness ,  or solitude ,

eternity of being alone

this is good though

this is how we exist

i know i am

you know you are

we are   alone

the soul of one person

the souls of all other people


by God

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