Tuesday, January 21, 2020

I just took a walk - Good enough - No RTC Electron

[ written last year, i thynk , mid-2019 ]

A Walk around Dawn
The Poem for a Monday Holiday at Home around Dawn
memorial day
I just took a walk
I think it was better than most things I could have done
I think I should have read or slept instead
Or ran
I sang to myself and others of the future
I cannot care any more. There is a space between
Any and more. I care as much as I can.
I care enough to make anyone understand
We are doing better than we know.
I just stop trying to think and let myself just be.

What is the difference between a reprise and a reprisal ?
Does to reprise mean to prise again ?
I rip out the root word prize
To sur-prise is above and beyond the Prize

I float on the Stream
on the TV screen;
Every second I am awake I dream
about a dream I had when I was seventeen.

I wonder who might want
to hear all of this song.
If you are too lonely to think;
You are a cool person I think.


Good Enough for Good Itself

No Electron - Reason Time Choice
This story really happens
In my mind
Your mind
God's mind
and in Space Time.

Its characters I help create are
Mary Brown
Jon Banks
Ronald Deer
and others; maybe no one can write their names.

I have to text Alex, or I will feel bad again, maybe worse.

Every 30 seconds , every thing bad happens
That might be true
If one defines Bad specifically
Or every thing good
and Every Good Thing
Come True
Real Facts
Without condition

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