Friday, July 5, 2019

. . I . Like . Love . .

Present Progressive [ i mean Perfect ] Tense - My Patterns and Habits

Perfect Progressive Present

Hi, Donna. Thanks for having me . . . I hope you can help me (help myself).
I want to prepare for our therapy session. I "need" about 80% more self control. I need sleep; I keep staying awake to watch porn and stuff to arouse myself sexually, emotionally, etc.
i have sexual thots most of every day. it is interfering with other areas that i'd rather focus on. And really should.
I am (feel) guilty and shameful, or I feel almost as bad as I imagine it is possible to feel . . . maybe for a flash once a day, a few times a week. I fantasize of violence to myself or others or any random disturbing images/thots.
Almost every day it seems, for months, I've drank too much alcohol.
I eat bad food most of my life. I need more money if I will be responsible, more respectable. I should get a job.
I lie to my mom a lot.
My friend Aaron is the most important part of me, to me

I wonder if coming to therapy is a mistake.
I wonder what I should do with my Life.
I am really tired.

I like (Love)
music, video, movies, books, Poems, People, Places, Words

Sometimes . . . I do not know how I   can   do any thing . . .  ^_^

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