Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Audio Tran S cyrpt

[ Lucky by Kat Edmonson plays with pauses to buffer ]

I feel so good, so bad ;

I feel so happy, so sad ;

I want to be an angel ;

I want to love you

on the golf course of love.

Please be my friend ;

Let us speak about the end.

I want to love every one again.

Then begin the sentence that changes the minds of the folk heroes.

They feel like they cannot begin, but they can.

And I wonder how we will speak on the road on the street

To the people we meet,

and we tackle each other's hands ;

and the hands blow up like cancers.

I wanna love you on the Heavenly Plains;

the planes fly across the Angelic Land.

The Earth is a ball of Reasonable Love for Us All,

and we can understand, it's too perfect to rearrange.

I'm smelling your face, and your love is an angel

on the razorblade of Heaven descending upon us.

Reach around to the last option you will ever have.

You are my sense of Yes and yes,

because we are the ones who will bless

the ones


I speak, I spoke, I will speak;

You make me breathe and

relieve your hardest work;

We speak to each other and

We hold each other up above the loveliness

that we love to ... haa piness ...

I feel so Light;

I feel so ... You feel

I am ... You are

The Image of a lonely star

Come to me

I will come to you ;

Now let us go, now ...

[ whistles ]  [ Kat : Just a dream ]

The  End

Kat Edmonson

Just Wait


[ silent static ]

[ sniffles ]

{ Kat : ooh }

Oh, Lucky you

Lucky, Lucky Me

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