Wednesday, December 26, 2018

I Created an Alloyed Seam

A Screenplay

Songs and Audio

The most recent Sleep with Me podcast episode, at time of the final edit, plays at the beginning of the movie, and plays the whole episode throughout the movie, just quiet enough to hear, but not interfering with other audio. It pauses during silent parts.

"The Hill" by Marketa Irglova, the version from the scene in Once, plays through and part of it with just piano plays on a loop for a few minutes.

"My House" by Flo Rida plays three times in a row, it gets louder near the end of the second play, and at the start of the third play it fades out slowly evenly throughout the song, so that the very end of the song is silent.

"I Created an Alloyed Seam" by Gregory Wredberg. I have not recorded this yet, but I think it will just be me saying the title about 50 times with no music, less than two minutes. It will play at the opening credits and at the closing credits.

"Farewell Transmission" by Songs: Ohia plays near the end.

A song by Sun Kil Moon, maybe My Love for You is Undying or something like it.

A song by Cribshitter, probably Jellyshoes. And Sunshine.

A song by Grand Buffet, maybe Oh My God, You're Weird, or one of their most sincere songs.

A song by Blackalicious, maybe Vessel. And Release with Saul Williams, Dose One, and Zach De La Rocha.

Elements of the Movie

There should be ten straight minutes of silence somewhere in the middle.

There should be ten straight minutes of a black screen.

There should be another solid color screen, maybe white fade to pink fade to red, or reverse, or black to red to pink to white, for about a minute.


The opening credits are like in old movies with separate screens and everyone's name in the cast and crew, alphabetically, and a different still background from the movie on each.

Silent and black after the credits for one minute.

Cut to an oak tree trunk about three feet away at night with a telephone pole security light behind it above screen.

Cut to the ground about two feet away. Dirt, sticks, and a bit of grass.

Cut to me lying asleep in bed, from the perspective of someone about 6 feet tall standing about two feet from the side of the bed.

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